Chapter 12: Luke is gone

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Lucy's Pov


The reason why I can't marry Natsu is because i started falling for him and i can't because it is reminding me of the past and the day he cheated on me with Lisanna it broke my heart

During my pregnancy i almost had a miscarriage because i was sad and miserable and so much in love with him and it was breaking me slowly apart

But when I almost lost Luke i did everything i could to be happy for him that's why i was able to give birth to a healthy little baby that i named him Luke Heartfilia

Natsu's Pov


"Erza are you ready for the plan?"i asked her

She seems a little nervous

"I don't know Natsu it's too risky if she finds out about the plan and that you were the one who came up with it she'll hate you for the rest of your lives"Erza said and i know that she is nervous as fuck but i need to see her reaction

I need to see if she will trust me

If she will let me close to her on the worst moment of her life

I need to learn if she has some feelings for me

Cause if she cares for me she'll come

"She won't hate me if she doesn't find out right"i said to her

"Natsu you are taking her son away from her it will kill her if she learns that you were the one that did this"

"Just do what you're told without saying your opinion"i said with anger

Can't she just do what she's told?

"As you wish boss"she said and exits the office

Luckily for me Luke agreed to that plan with a lot of pleading and some toys because he may acts like an adult but he is still a child and he has accepted me as his father cause today morning i heard him talking to Luce and he said to her that he is happy that he knows his dad and loves me a lot it really made me happy hearing my son saying that he loves me also he made me promise him a little sister so i said yes cause i really want a princess who is a daddy's girl and looks exactly like her mother my Luce cause i don't want any other children if it is not with Luce

I got out and went upstairs to our room and she was just getting out and she looked upset and worried

"Where is Luke?"she said

"He is getting ready to leave with Erza,you do remember Erza and Gray right?"i asked her

"Yes i remember them,but why is Luke leaving with her?"she asked

"Because I ordered it Erza is going over to Gray's house for him to play with his son"i said and look of relief washed over her

"Your right he needs to have friends which reminds me we need to find a kindergarten for him to go he needs friends and he is just a child he can't stay home all day he needs children at his age"she said and it's warming my heart that she is starting wanting my opinion and discussing things about Luke with me

"Your right there is a kindergarten not far away from here we could enroll him there"i said to her and she nods

"Yeah"she said and went to Luke's room

Let's just hope that she won't suspect me for any of these

Lucy's Pov

It was actually very sweet of him to think about Luke's well-being and it just proves how good of a father is and at times like this I'm thinking

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