Chapter 20:She Knows Everything

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Natsu's pov



~Time skip~

It's been a year and a half since i faked Luke's and Luce's death and a year since i took them outside the country

Now we live happily at America and Luce has warmed up to me to a point were i believe in a month she will agree to marry me

Right now we're at the beach having fun

Luke was with his friends and Luce is watching over him

While i was daydreaming

Luce is in a bikini and and she's so hot i can bearly hold myself

"Natsu?" her angelic voice snaped me out of my daydream

"are you okay?"she asked with genuine concern

"yeah Everything is ok, come sit with me and don't be so worried about Luke he can take Care of himself after all i've been training him ever since we came to America" i answered

She came and sat down next to me

"don't remind me" she said with a cute annoyance

"your overprotective of him" i said smiling at her

"Well i bet that if we had a daughter you would be overprotective of her as well" she said

"I can arange that" i said with lust

I saw her lust filled eyes and the way she Bites her lips

Damn it this doesn't help my erection

We start to lean in and as our lips are about to come together.....

Luke comes yelling"MOM, DAD COME HERE THE WATER IS GREAT" Luce starts to blush matching Erza's hair

"COMING" she yells back

She gets up and gives me her hand and she says smiling "Come on our son is waiting" i grab her hand and get up

Then i grap her hips and she automatically jumps wraping her legs around my waist

"I'm sorry i-i-i-i...."she got embarased by what she did

She tries to get down but she's killing me

"continue moving like that and i garente you that i will get you pregnant" she froze and i run and jumped in the water

We had so much fun Like a true Family

~Time Skip~

Lucy's pov



he is so hot i can't stop looking at him

His 8 pack, his tanned skin, his onyx eyes and his pink hair

I'm in love with him

And i realised that he changed

I want us to be together

And When he said that he can leave me pregnant i blushed and i was embarased but i want it

It was evining and i was outside watching the stars

Luke was sleeping

And Natsu was inside doing some paper work

Suddenly someone hugs me from behind

Knowing full well that it was Natsu i relaxed in his embrace

"the stars are beautiful tonight"i say

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