Chapter 3: The meeting

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Lucy's pov


Yesterday night i wasn't able to sleep at all,for some reason I feel like something is going to happen something that I won't like so i am worried for Luke's safety,if something happens to my son I'll die

Now it's morning and Virgo,my mom,and I are making breakfast.
Luke is sleeping and my dad is reading his newspaper like every morning

"So Lucy you know five years ago when you told us that you were pregnant we never pushed you to tell us who his father was but don't you think both us and Luke deserve to know?"mom asked me but i can't tell them,i know my parents the moment they learn who he is they are gonna tell Natsu everything and they are gonna force him to marry me but honestly I don't want him and if he learns about Luke he is going to take him away from me

"No mom i am not going to tell you anything about him"i said to her with a calm aura around me

"But Lucy we-" "No end of discussion"i shout at her and leave from the kitchen and go up to my room so i can wake up Luke for our day together,i entered in my room i saw him sleeping so peacefully and a smile crept on my face
"Wake up Luke"
"Five more minutes"
"Okay then i assume that you don't want to go to the park?"
"I'm up, I'm up and in five minutes I'll be ready ok mom?"he said in a hurry and i thought to my self it always works after that i made my way downstairs and waited for him and true to his word after 5 minutes he came downstairs and we made our way to the kitchen to eat our breakfast,as we walked in we saw a very pissed mom and dad glaring at me and i made a mental note to look for an apartment after we go to the park ASAP

Luke and i sat down and ate i silence no one said anything during breakfast

After breakfast we got up and said our goodbyes and left heading towards the park,Luke seemed so excited and that made me smile after all he is my happiness

We arrived at the park and Luke went to the swings

As i was about to sit i heard a voice that i never wanted to hear again
"Well well well you thought you could hide from me forever?"i turned around and saw the familiar figure in an Armani suit with his beautiful onyx eyes that you could get lost inside of them and his spiky salmon- pink hair,
The man that broke my heart and left me pregnant,the man that i never wanted to see or hear again,the man that i am afraid because if he learns about my son he will take him away from me,the man name Natsu Dragneel

"N-natsu?"i am sure by now that all the colour on my face is gone

Natsu's pov


she is right in front of me and she is more beautiful than ever i approached he and i asked her"well well well you thought you could hide from me forever?"she turned to look at me and you could see the feelings in her eyes surprise,hatred and fear but that will change sooner or later and she said"N-natsu?"she looks pale

"Did you honestly think that i wouldn't learn about our son?"i asked emotionless and with cold voice

"Our son? No Natsu not our son my son"she said with anger in her voice

I took a sit next to her

"He really looks a lot like both of us"i said,he looks just like me when i was 4 years old with Luce's hair

"Why are you here?, what do you want from our lives?"she asked ignoring my statement and those questions made me angry what does she mean what do i want isn't it obvious?
"I want to be part of my son's and my fiancé's life"i said

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