Chapter 18:Are you sure that this are your real feelings about me

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Natsu's Pov



This is all fucked up

I should have cleared all the misunderstanding before doing anything

Now how is she going to believe me

I took her face on my hands and made her look straight at me

"She was never my fiancé do you really think i would love and marry that slut, Luce please believe me" i said pleading her to believe me

She was looking at me straight in the eyes searching for some kind of truth

Then she said what i wanted to hear

She nodded and said
"I believe you"

Then i hugged her

"You know that I'm still here, right?"

Gray had to ruin the moment

"Unfortunately for me yeah"i replied glaring at him

As if on sensing my anger he got up and run away

"Luce don't go out of this room at all"i said to her with all seriousness

She was confused

"No one except Erza, Jellal, Juvia and Gray knows that you and Luke are alive. I don't trust People that easily and I'm scared in case i have some people who are dump enough to betray me"

"You see that room over there?"he asked her as she was a 3 year old child

She nods

"From tomorrow it's going to be Luke's room, he's going to stay in this room with us because first I'm sure you want him to be near you, second he is still a child that needs his parents and third to protect him from Lisanna"i told her she seemed to take it fine but then she turned her head towards me with an eyebrow raised

"I'm sorry did you say 'us' as in your going to stay with me and Luke in the same room?"she asked unsure about the 'we' part

"Of course yes, this is my room and i want my future wife and my son close to me, also this is for safety reasons as well"i said to her with a smirk

"You still want me to marry you?"she asked with disbeleaf evident in her voice

"Of course yes"i said to her like it's the most obvious thing in the world

"Natsu you need to move on"she said

She doesn't honestly think that I'll let her go right?

Well I'm not letting her go, she's the love of my life and I'm gonna fight for that love

i looked into her eyes to figure out her emotions and i Could see the pain in her eyes When she said to move on

"I don't want to"i said to her

Her eyes shown hope but her mouth definitely doesn't match that hope

"I'm not in love with you"she said

I smirked

She's lying

You know if someone else heard her say that he wouldn't understand if she's lying or not because she knows how to hide her emotions and she's a good liar

But not to me because i have been taught from a young age to observe someone's body reaction and to know when someone's lying and i also know Luce better than anyone so trust me when i say that i know when she's lying as well

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