Chapter 11:Trust

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Natsu's Pov


it's been a week since the incident that happened with that bastard and Luce has warmed up to me.

Right now I'm at my office at home trying to figure out a plan that will lure Lisanna into my trap and also find a plan to make Luce fall in love with me again.

And bingo i figured it out my plan to lure Lisanna into my trap is to play her little game

I heard a knock on the door

"Come in"after that being said Lucy got inside with that beautiful smile of hers

"Hey i want to discuss something with you"she said and behind that smile is nervousness

"Sure have a sit"she sat down

And she began playing with her fingers

Why is she so worried?

"You know how thankful i am to you for saving me from that crazy guy right?"

I nod

"And you know that i won't take Luke away from you again right?"i nod again

"Then please let's call off this wedding and move on with our lives"she said and and my blood started boil

"No"i said with a low and scary voice

"But why i don't understand why do you want to continue with this wedding when you know that i won't take Luke away from you"she said rising from her sit and looking directly at me with and anger

"Because I said so and the wedding is gonna happen weather you like it or not"i said angry with her

Why does she want to leave me?

Doesn't she like me or love me a little?

Did i do something wrong?

Does she hates me so much that she can't stand me at all?

"Natsu i don't want to marry you or anyone else i want to spend my life the way that I want, you can't force me"She said now you will see the real force Luce you won't get away from me

"Do i need to remind you why did you agree to marry me?
Do i need to tell you again the reason?
You are marring me because of our son, because i want Luke to grow up like all the kids in the world,to have two parents in the same house, because he needs both of us so no you won't back down now or i will take Luke away from you and find another woman to be his mother because be sure that in the age that he is i can make him forget you easily and replace you with a woman of my choosing she could be a better mother than you"i said to trigger her but with the glare that she is giving me i know that i overdid it


"Natsu if you use my son again I'll fight you and i won't back down if I don't want to marry you then i won't so get that in your head"she said and stormed out of my office

I can't believe i just said that i should be the one to calm her down not make her more angry with me

I got up and went after her

As i entered the room i saw her taking her clothes off leaving her only in her underwear and she was so hot that i could feel my dick getting hard

I went inside the room, close and lock the door

"Natsu what are you doing get out now"

I went close to her and pushed her and she fell on the bed

I crawled on top of her and held her arms down

"Your so beautiful"i said and then i whispered in her ear

"But you are much more beautiful without anything on and once we will be married all this will be mine forever"i said

She tried to push me off her but she failed

"Get off me"she said

"I won't"i said and pushed myself more to her

By now she was red as tomato

"Why don't we go for a shower together hmm?"i said to her and she turned even redder than Erza's hair

"No" she said

"Why not i think that we would look perfect together in the shower, my cock inside you, Cumming together, moaning each others name what do you think?"she tried to push me away again but she failed

I'm not gonna let you go that easily baby

"First of all i don't want to and second what makes you think that I would do that with someone who is threatening to take my son away from me and give him to another woman to raise and call her mom?"she has a point but she is the one asking to call off the wedding so i have to take drastic measures

"I'm threatening you because you don't listen to me and want to call off the wedding, because you didn't tell me about Luke from the beginning, because you want to leave again but i won't let you get away from me.This time I'm gonna make you mine"i said and i mean it she is the love of my life and i can't let her go

"What do you mean?"she asked

"That if you think that you can get away from me you're wrong i know that I did a lot of mistakes but i promise you not anymore I'm gonna make you mine, you are mine"

She started shaking her head

"No I'm not yours"she said

I started touching her underwear which was wet

"Are you sure cause your wet underwear says otherwise"

I took her leg in my arms and kissed it, then her arm,i started leaving small kisses on her stomach and by the face that she is making i can tell that she is trying not to let her moans out

I kissed her wet underwear, then the part of her breasts that is not covered by her bra, then her sweat spot on her neck and she moaned

"See i told you that you are mine"i trailed my arms all over her body, she blushed and she closed her eyes trying to staff a moan

"Stop"she said trying to push me

I caught her arm and i put it on my shaft for her to feel how hard my dick is

She gasped

An i started leaning towards her lips to kiss her but before my lips could even touch hers there was a knock on the door

Damn it!!!

"This isn't over"i told her and stood up to open the door and she hurried inside the bathroom closing the door behind her.

Damn she is hot as fuck even from behind

That ass,her back,her beautiful golden blonde hair,her long sexy legs that every night i dream those legs wrapped around my waist while i fuck her on the wall and she cums on my dick while at the same time moaning my name and then i thrust into her and cum inside her while moaning her name

Again a knock on the door got me out of my trance of thoughts

I went to open the door and was met by Hishui my maid

"Mr Dragneel Mrs Scarlet is here like you requested"Hishui said


Time for my plan to make Luce mine to begin


Hey guys sorry for being late
Enjoy chapter 11 until chapter 12 gets out


Love you



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