Chapter 6 - The Death of Anakin Skywalker

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The Sith spirit pushes back, retaliating, trying to dredge up something else. Vader struggles against her, but soon, they find themselves on the edge of a lava bank. Ahsoka hears Obi-Wan's sharp intake of breath, and he blanches, turning away. A strangled sound escapes Vader, but he seems riveted to the spot as Ahsoka watches with mounting shock the duel transpiring on a platform floating in the lava.

Memory-Obi-Wan leaps, landing on the bank. "It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground!" his voice is pleading, weariness and despair evident in his eyes, which are more gray than blue.

"You underestimate my power!" snarls Anakin, eyes glowing a brilliant yellow. The only emotion she feels from him is rage.

"Don't try it," Obi-Wan warns as Anakin leaps towards him. He swings his lightsaber slicing through Anakin's legs and left arm. Ahsoka holds in a gasp as she feels it. It's not overpowering, but she can still feel the pain on her own body. Anakin falls to the ground, next to edge of the embankment and struggles to pull himself away from the lava. She can feel a wave of incomprehension and confusion. No. This isn't right. I'm not – he wasn't –

Obi-Wan extinguishes his lightsaber, stepping back, raw agony coloring his words. "You were the Chosen One! It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them. Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness." He stops, reaching down to pick up Anakin's lightsaber. Ahsoka knows the numbness Anakin feels will soon be followed by a wave of emotions. He did. He – how could he? I trusted him! Rage doesn't come immediately. What she feels, is betrayal and pain. It's so potent, it's nearly physical.

Instead of helping, vision-Obi-Wan turns, preparing to walk away. How can you leave me as though I mean nothing to you, as though I'm something to be cast away? But, of course, you do! You never cared about me! You're too much of a Jedi. I loved you. I loved you so much, and you don't even care!

The thoughts are so vehement, Ahsoka can hear them as though they were spoken aloud. "I hate you!" screams Anakin, glaring furiously with burning yellow eyes at his former master's back. Had she been there, she would have believed it, but in the memory, there is exceedingly little anger. Whatever is there is buried under waves of crushing pain and betrayal which are slowly leeching the light from Anakin's heart.

The hate-filled words stop Obi-Wan in his tracks, and Ahsoka's heart breaks for the pain she can see on his face, but with Anakin being trapped in his own agony, she's certain he never noticed. "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!" Obi-Wan yells at him, staring down at Anakin's body. He seems conflicted, though she can't feel his emotions. She pushes back her own horror and pain at the memory. She has no doubt that this is something which has tormented Vader for years. Sparing him a quick glance, she sees that he's trembling.

Looking back at memory-Anakin, she watches with mounting dismay as his robes catch on fire from the lava river below. The flames lick their way up his body, as he screams in agony, unable to move enough to put it out. Memory-Obi-Wan stands there before turning and walking away. Ahsoka shudders at the physical pain which she can feel engulfing her body. How did Anakin even survive that? Whatever emotional pain he's experiencing is dwarfed by the physical agony.

The scene fades slightly, shifting to another. Ahsoka blinks at the surgical table in the center of the room, an all-too-familiar figure lying on the center. After the fire, Anakin looks much like he does now. Ahsoka watches in stunned horror as the medical droids perform the surgery. They don't even give Anakin any anesthesia, leaving him fully conscious throughout the operation. She can feel the physical echoes of when they cut into his bones to attach the prosthetics.

The entire time, Sidious watches impassively from the side, not showing even the slightest hint of concern as Anakin screams and writhes on the table. How could Sidious possibly be sadistic enough to tell the droids to do this? She brushes away her tears – when did she start crying anyways? Next to her, Obi-Wan watches, expression pinched. He looks sick. This – this isn't even surgery. It's torture. There's absolutely no reason that Anakin needed to endure this.

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