Chapter 27 - Prison Break

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It's at times like this when Ahsoka really doesn't want to know where Anakin got his information. She knows for a fact that the schematics of this part of the former Temple were not readily available. Did he really explore the Temple on his own as a child? Obi-Wan would never have brought him here. Well, this is her former master she's talking about. Of course, he would do something like that.

She doesn't know how Han can even see where he's going, though she's not surprised about Chewie. Wookies can likely see better than humans – and Togrutas even – in the dark. Initially, she tried to keep track of all the turns they've been making, but eventually, she gives up. Anakin must be taking a route through ancient corridors which are least likely to have stormtroopers. She stops behind Han as Anakin leans around the corner before looking back at them.

"Alright, listen." His voice is barely audible. "We have to take the stairs from here up two levels. That should bring us to the dungeon level. I could probably hack a security panel and shut down the cameras to cover our presences, but it'll give us ten minutes at most to get Obi-Wan to safety."

Ahsoka nods. "We'll cover you," she promises.

"Once we get him, how do we get out?" Han whisper-hisses.

"Take the stairs down to the main corridor and go straight all the way to the end," Anakin instructs. "Take a right, then a left, and you'll be back at the exit point. We didn't come in this way, because, just as I suspected, there are patrols down here. Droids. I'll have to deactivate them."

"Got it," Han assures him while Chewie nods his furry head.

Ahsoka sends a pulse of confirmation through their bond, and Anakin exhales, turning his back on them again and raising his right hand. She can hear a screeching noise – which echoes terribly off the walls – and two thuds which sound like metal hitting the stone beneath their feet.

Anakin waves them forward as he darts around the corner towards the doorway. He hits the button to open it, and just as he'd told them, it leads to a staircase. Ahsoka hardly dares to breath as they race up the stairs as quickly and quietly as they can. Obviously, this part of the former Temple was built before turbolifts became common. It's not that she hasn't seen staircases in the Temple – she has – but they're not commonly used.

Two floors later, Anakin opens the door, and they exit the stairwell into a brightly lit hall. It takes a moment for Ahsoka's eyes to adjust to the light, and she shivers slightly. The darkness here is heavier, more palpable, and she hopes and prays that there's no one down here except Obi-Wan and some stormtroopers. Anakin strides down the hallway to a security terminal on the other side, motioning for them to wait. She can't see what he's doing, but she can see the tension in his body.

Looking around, she realizes that the door they entered through is supposed to be a concealed door since there's no panel to open it on this side. How Anakin knows about it is anyone's guess. Maybe he was exploring...? Honestly, she hopes not. This detention level is obviously meant for Force sensitive prisoners based on the layout and design of the holding cells. It's not the kind of place he should have seen as a child or teen, but when has that ever stopped Anakin?

"Cameras are on loop," Anakin says in a low voice, "But we might have been seen."

"Where's Obi-Wan?" queries Ahsoka, stepping forward soundlessly. Han and Chewie stand next to the door, waiting silently.

Anakin narrows his eyes, turning as he scans the area. "That way," he decides finally, looking around the corner before disappearing from sight. She sprints after him as he glances on either side of the hall. She's never been down here before, and it looks like it was partially renovated. The cells in the hall they entered were completely deactivated.

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