Chapter 24 - Millennium Falcon

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Ahsoka can feel Anakin tensing, even as he turns around and begins fumbling through his pockets. "I'm afraid I must have left my papers on my ship," he says apologetically, and Ahsoka already knows that this is going to go splendidly wrong.

"When I say so, run to docking bay one fifty-three," Ahsoka whispers to the twins.

"But you and Father..." Luke gives her a panicked look.

"They'll be fine," Leia assures him, griping his hand. She sounds as though she trying to convince herself of it.

"We'll be right behind you," Ahsoka promises.

"You're under arrest! Hands up!" snaps the same trooper.

"I am not under arrest," Anakin states firmly, moving his hand. "We are free to go." The stormtroopers echo him as the mind trick takes effect.

He smirks, turning to walk away, when Ahsoka hears a shout from across the hanger. "There's the Jedi! All units respond!" She can't help it; she curses.

"Run!" yells Anakin, and they sprint across the spaceport, weaving around the individuals lingering about. Blaster bolts follow them, and Anakin spins, deflecting them using the Force.

"You didn't say you were bringing friends!" taunts a male voice she's never heard.

"Shut it, Solo," hisses Anakin, glaring at the man. "We're leaving."

"I knew you'd say that." Solo shakes his head, turning to walk up the ramp.

"This?!" squawks Ahsoka upon seeing the barely held together ship in front of them. "We're expecting to escape Corellia on this ship? Anakin, are you crazy?"

"Hey! I didn't know this was the ship!" Anakin defends himself.

"She's got where it counts," huffs Solo, drawing his blaster and firing at the troopers who are blocking the hanger bay door. Ahsoka shoos the twins into the main hold as Anakin Force throws the stormtroopers backwards. He uses the Force to protect them as Solo closes the ramp and dashes to the cockpit.

Ahsoka can hear the blaster bolts pinging off the sides of the ship as the engines fire up. The Falcon sweeps out of the hanger bay with a grace Ahsoka had not expected based on its appearance. The twins are clinging to one another, wide-eyed, as the ship breaks for the atmosphere and space.

"I'll get the guns!" calls Anakin, racing towards the back of the ship to where the rear guns are located. "I bet we'll have company momentarily."

"Of course, we will," Solo's voice replies through the ship's intercomm system.

"Stay here," Ahsoka tells the twins, motioning to passenger seats. "Strap yourselves in. I'll go help in the escape, okay?" They nod dutifully, immediately sitting down next to one another as she darts to the other rear gun and takes up her position.

"Here they come!" announces Anakin. "Six TIEs in hot pursuit, and more incoming from the Star Destroyer in orbit."

"How long do we have to hold them off?" Ahsoka asks, fingers tightening on the controls. She hasn't fought in a space battle for a while, but she trusts her instincts – and Anakin's. They will make it out. They have to. There is no other option for them.

"A couple minutes," Solo replies tightly as the ship swerves violently to avoid the laser fire from the TIE pursuers. "The navicomputer needs to finish the calculations."

"This is where the fun begins!" Anakin all but sings out as he opens fire on the gaining Imperials. Two TIEs are blown into a shower of space dust within ten seconds. Ahsoka can't help but be impressed. Anakin has only gotten better and stronger since she last fought with him in the Clone Wars. Even during this past year, she's felt that he holds back when sparring with her and Obi-Wan. He's capable of so much more than he's letting on.

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