Chapter 8 - A Mind Assault

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"I won't leave you," Obi-Wan repeats as though saying them again will make Vader believe them.

He throws the lightsaber across the room, uncaring for where it lands. He can get it later if he needs it. They saw as the Sith spirit broke him mentally. Seeing those memories again hurt deeply in a way he can't even explain. For years they tormented him, and he can't make sense of anything going on. He's filled with the need to hurt someone. He doesn't need to use his lightsaber to do it.

"You will wish you had," he spits out, lunging forwards and tackling Obi-Wan to the ground. He uses his legs to pin the older man to the floor as his hands come up to press against Obi-Wan's temples, making the mental attack easier. Vader pushes against his former master's shields, ruthlessly slamming into them, trying to force them to cave in under his assault.

Obi-Wan struggles to keep him out, but eventually gives in, letting Vader enter into his mind. He senses more than hears Ahsoka telling him to stop in the background, but he pays her no heed. She should be grateful he's not doing this to her. He gathers in the Dark Side, flooding Obi-Wan's mind to intentionally dredge up the most painful memory. He assumes it will be when Qui-Gon or Satine died, though he doesn't really care which. He just wants to make him hurt for everything he's done.

Instead, he finds himself being pulled to an all-too-familiar planet. Mustafar. Oh, Force. No. No. Not this. Now that they're here, he can't pull himself out. Only Obi-Wan can do that but judging from the shock on Obi-Wan's face, he doubts that will be happening. He turns away, unwilling to watch the scene play out, though he can't block out the words, thoughts, and emotions nearly as well.

"Don't try it," he hears Obi-Wan beg. Please, Anakin, for once in your life listen to me. I don't want to do this. He can feel the desperation coloring the thoughts, and he probably would have felt it with the Force if he hadn't been so consumed by the Dark Side.

He flinches, knowing what happens next. He can almost feel the bite of the lightsaber as it cut through his legs and left arm. There's a flood of pain, dwarfing any other emotions Obi-Wan might have been feeling. "You were the Chosen One! It was said you would destroy the Sith, not join them. Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness." Vader clenches his jaw. Those words have been branded into his mind. On some nights – the tormented ones – he's heard them repeatedly in his nightmares, mind refusing to give him any rest.

Anakin, why? Why did this have to happen? What did I do wrong? Why didn't you trust me and tell me the truth? I would have done anything to help you if you had only asked. The pain and heartbreak are almost strong enough to be felt physically. "I hate you!" his own voice screams at Obi-Wan as he turns to walk away.

He feels no anger in his former master's mind at the words, only a sense of profound aching loss. Obi-Wan did love him. His mind makes it obvious, the emotion echoing in his words. "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!" Vader can feel Obi-Wan's hurt, his belief that Anakin was speaking the truth, when, in reality, it was out of desperation. It's almost laughable – it would be if not for the tragedy of the entire situation.

He flinches hearing his own screams as his body starts on fire. He can feel Obi-Wan's horror and shock, his desire to help which he quells, reminding himself that Anakin hadn't wanted his help. The last emotions are resignation mixed with guilt and grief as the memory begins to fade.

It takes a moment for Vader to reorient himself when he emerges from the memory. He hardly registers the tears on his former master's face. That wasn't what he'd expected to see, and it made him sick, confusing him even more about everything. He scrambles away from Obi-Wan, moving away until his back hits the bed and sinks to the floor shaking. He hasn't had a chance to straighten out his thoughts yet, and they feel even more muddled now than before.

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