Chapter 26 - Imperial Center

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The meal was pleasant, and it reminded Anakin of the family meals they had on Corellia. There was an overshadowing sense of home, which he only now realizes how much he misses. Before he and Ahsoka left, he gave Owen and Beru specific instructions. He hid a comm on the property – he actually put it near his mother's grave – and gave the other to the Lars. If he doesn't return within a week, they're to take the twins and go stay with Beru's family. If they hear no contact from Anakin, Ahsoka, or Obi-Wan within a month, then the coordinates of Dagobah are stored on the special comm they have. They're supposed to take the twins and go to Master Yoda who will be able to protect them and train the twins.

The atmosphere in the Falcon is tense, and Anakin notices that even Solo isn't being as chipper as he seems to normally be. "How much longer until we arrive?" asks Ahsoka quietly. Anakin can see her stress, even though she's struggling to hide it.

Solo shifts in his seat and sighs. "Should be a little less than two hours by now," he replies. "What's the plan when we arrive? Where do you want me to take you?"

"You do have clearance codes which will work, right?" Anakin questions, mind scanning through all their possibilities.

The smuggler nods. "If they recognize the ship it won't do much good though."

Anakin purses his lips. "Then I can give you clearance codes which are guaranteed to work." He can't help the smirk, and at Ahsoka's unspoken question, he elaborates. "I managed to obtain Tarkin's codes before I... left. No one will think twice, and they'll be too scared to question it."

"We hope," mutters Ahsoka, but she's smirking too.

"Take us to the lower levels of the city," Anakin continues. "I know a way we might be able to enter the Imperial Palace from the underworld. Once we're in, it should be relatively easy to get Obi-Wan out of the dungeon levels. I can use security clearance codes from the Grand Inquisitor to get us in."

"Might?" Ahsoka raises an eyemarking. "We only might have a chance at succeeding?"

Anakin shrugs slightly. "Well, it's either that or we leave Obi-Wan, which we're not doing."

"Obviously." The Togruta actually rolls her eyes at him.

"You sure seem to know at a lot of clearance codes," Solo comments. From his tone, it's obvious that he's a bit impressed.

"He was known as a good general for a reason," Chewie points out. The Wookie has remained silent up to now, probably because there's not been much for him to say.

"It's always convenient to have them." Anakin tilts his head slightly. "That way, if you want to do something and not get caught, it's easier to frame an adversary for it."

Solo gives him a dubious look. "Sounds like a lousy life."

Anakin huffs. "It was." He shakes his head, refocusing on the situation at hand. "If Obi-Wan is too injured to fight, I need the two of you to get him out of here. Leave us behind if you must but take him to Tatooine immediately. Maybe take everyone off planet if it seems necessary."

Ahsoka leans forward. "Planning for everything, are we?" She gives him a teasing smile, and Anakin appreciates her attempts at humor. It lightens the mood and makes this whole disaster easier to bear. "Might I suggest that you have another backup plan in case Han and Chewie can't get out with Obi-Wan?"

"He'll have his lightsaber at least," Anakin offers, touching the hilt which is secured at his side. In addition to Obi-Wan's, he's carrying his own Sith and Jedi ones. "There isn't a whole lot we can do until we get there though. We'll just have to improvise."

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