Chapter 31 - Rescue Mission

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Anakin can't control the helplessness which sweeps over him. He knows Tarkin. The man is cold, brutal, methodical. The galaxy is important, he knows that, but he also knows that he cannot allow his children to be harmed. Why him? Why is he the one who always has to make these accursed, difficult choices. The last time he had to do this, he destroyed the Jedi. What will it be this time? A planet? Two? Three?

He barely registers Obi-Wan saying his name, and the hand on his shoulder finally grounds him enough to make him look up. His former master's blue gray eyes are pinned on him, a steady determination filling them. "Anakin, does he have the twins? Do you know?"

"Not for certain, but it's highly likely," he admits. "He wouldn't challenge me like this if he didn't have a bargaining chip which he knows I would take into consideration."

"Okay, then we have to secure them," Obi-Wan decides. "Bail, have you gotten anything?"

The Senator looks up, brown eyes hard. "The Rebel Alliance stands in full support of the current, or soon-to-be, Emperor. I'll call Mothma and appraise her of the situation. We might be able to allot some of our resources to stopping, or at least slowing down, Tarkin." He pauses, gaze searching Anakin's. "Do you have the plans for the Death Star?"

He picks up one of the datapads, flipping through the endless information before he finally finds the schematics. "Right here," he answers. "I was able to break through Sidious's security and download the some of the most crucial data before being locked out."

Obi-Wan glances briefly at Bail. "We need to find a way to destroy it," he declares. "What are its weaknesses?" He leans forward to get a closer look at the schematics on the small screen.

Anakin straightens, putting every irrelevant thought aside and focusing single-mindedly on the task at hand. Once they have this part figured out, the rest should fall into place as well. "Here," he says at last, after many minutes of flipping through the drawings. "There's an exhaust port here. An X-wing could probably get a torpedo through, but the pilot would have to be a Jedi."

"Is that all?" Obi-Wan seems rather dismayed.

Anakin leans back to look at him. "Master," he drawls, suddenly feeling a bit more confident of their eventual victory, "We've faced many worse odds."

"I have something," Bail announces. "I've received a communication from Commander Cody. He says that the only known ally they have aboard the Death Star is Echo." Anakin stiffens at the name. Echo had been captured by the Separatists during the Clone Wars after nearly being killed during the Citadel rescue mission – when, ironically enough, they saved Tarkin. He'd been experimented on and fitted with prosthetics, enabling him to act as a living droid, since he can access computer ports with his specially designed arm.

"He'll help us," Anakin says firmly, "But we need a plan." He looks back down at the datapad on which Tarkin's demanding letter had come, a shiver of unease running down his spine. He refuses to put his children in unnecessary danger, but he refuses to accede to Tarkin's terms either. Negotiating is, of course, an option, though there's only a full day left to do so.

Tarkin is demanding that Anakin officially make an announcement to turn the Empire over to him and surrender himself. Presumably, that means he'll be executed, a risk he's willing to take if his children will be safe. He doesn't want to die anymore, but he'll take his chances. He's not the Chosen One for nothing.


Obi-Wan sits in main hold of the Imperial shuttle, tension humming through him as he hears Rex speaking with someone aboard the Death Star, trying to convince him that, since they're the only Imperial vessel around – they managed to locate the Death Star thanks to Tarkin's transmission and Anakin's skill – the shuttle must land there, claiming an emergency. This needs to work. If it doesn't, everything will be over.

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