Chapter 10 - Defecting

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When Vader finally emerges from the bacta tank a couple hours later, he feels moderately better. Normally, he might spend longer inside, but he's certain that Obi-Wan and Ahsoka won't want to linger here for that long. Being in the tank gave him some quality time to reflect on everything which has recently transpired, and he's not exactly pleased with how it turned out. It would have been best to remain in his paradise, but he can acknowledge that it was a decision born out of desperation and longing.

He's supposed to be better than emotions like that. He's a Sith after all, at least he was supposed to be. Perhaps if he hadn't indulged himself, he wouldn't be wanting things he can never have. He hides his surprise when Obi-Wan enters the room. The Jedi doesn't even flinch when seeing his injuries, but Vader still resents that he can see them. "Is there something you want, Kenobi?" he demands sharply, "Other than maybe seeing the damage you caused me."

That does get a reaction, and for a moment, he sees a flicker of pain on Obi-Wan's face. That only makes him feel guilty. He shoves the foreign emotion aside, focusing instead on fixing his robes and covering the damage to his body. "What do you want?" he asks again, softening his tone somewhat.

"We have talked it over and decided that you can come with us to Alderaan," the Jedi Master finally replies. Vader notes that he doesn't specify who the "we" is, but he doesn't care to pressure. "There will be a physician who can look at your injuries there," he adds hesitantly.

He crosses his arms, regarding Obi-Wan distantly, feeling very aware how his every emotion is visible. The only thing he ever liked about his armor is that it hides his face. "That would be acceptable," he concedes finally. He has little desire to make small talk with him – or anyone – so he moves towards the doorway to the outside room where his armor is.

Obi-Wan blocks him, stepping in front of him and cautiously moving towards him. Vader stops, eyes narrowed. What is the Jedi up to now? "I feel responsible for what happened to you," he says quietly, "And I can use the Force to help heal you if you want." He steps closer, reaching out to rest a hand on Vader's shoulder. His fearlessness is to be admired, but it's foolish.

Vader steps back, unwilling to indulge in the comfort. There's probably a catch somewhere if he accepts the gesture, and he'd rather not find out what it is. He's suffered enough pain already. "If that is what you desire, then I would be open to the possibility," he answers slowly, carefully trying to gauge Obi-Wan's reaction. Maybe the man cared for him a long time ago, but he is not Anakin Skywalker – at least not the version Obi-Wan remembers.

Genuine relief appears in Obi-Wan's eyes, but it's still mixed with something like sadness. "Anakin, you –"

"I am not Anakin," Vader interrupts stiffly, turning away from Obi-Wan.

"Would you rather I use the name Sidious gave you after destroying your life?" There's no malice in the words. Rather, he senses a hint of compassion and understanding. He can't answer that. Saying yes is –

He cuts off the thought, resisting an aggravated sigh. Obi-Wan intentionally worded the question like that, probably to make him rethink which name he claims as his own. Well, he doesn't want to think about it. Anakin's brother, a voice whispers in the back of his mind, Anakin's sister. You can't claim them. If you're Vader, then you can't trust them either, because they'll hate you for taking Anakin away from them.

It may be true, but that's something else he has to think about later. For years he's been Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, right hand of the Emperor. He's not had any other life. Even if he doesn't want it anymore, he's not ready to reclaim the name Skywalker. It wasn't always the name of a Jedi, but it was the name of a good person. He's not a good person. He's a monster.

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