Chapter 22 - Smuggler

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Anakin lands the shuttle in the spaceport. No one asks any questions, even when he transmits the documentation for the ship. He supposes that's a good thing because it will hopefully give them enough time to find another ride off planet. While they could theoretically sell the ship for credits, he doubts they'd be able to find a buyer on so short a notice.

He's single-mindedly focused on getting off Corellia and leaving the twins on Tatooine while he and Ahsoka travel to Coruscant to save Obi-Wan. In the Force he can sense that Obi-Wan will indeed be taken to the Imperial Center, so there's no point to delay the confrontation with Sidious. They might as well speed it up with the hopes that Obi-Wan will be able to help them.

They disembark from the shuttle, carrying their belongings as they mingle with the other beings milling about and make their way to the main streets to mix with the crowd. The best place to find pilots will be in a cantina, so that's where he'll start looking.

Anakin inhales slowly, attempting to let go of the fear which is clogging his mind. Panic is gnawing at him, and he only cares about getting Obi-Wan away from Sidious to safety. He's lost his former master once, and he can't bear to lose him again. The possibility fills him with a paralyzing fear. No. Not Obi-Wan. He lost Padme. He can't lose his brother too.

Almost as if unbidden, the memory of the moments with dream-Padme surface in his mind. "I'll always be with you, Ani. You know that," she had said to him. He knows that it's true, but he's never been terribly interested in the esoteric parts of the Force. He's only cared for those who are physically in front of him. Well, cared isn't quite the right word, because he still cares for Padme and his mother, but they're beyond his reach. He can't help them anymore. All he has left is memories, and he won't let the same be true for Obi-Wan.

Ahsoka reaches out, squeezing his arm briefly before Luke grabs his right hand as they continue down the street. Maybe it's time that Anakin try to do what good Jedi do: follow the Force. Blowing out another breath, he pushes back the panic and fear filling him, touching his children's presences to ground himself. The Force nudges him slightly after they've been walking for an hour or longer, and he stops walking in front of a small, dingy looking cantina.

"Stay here. I'll see if I can find anything in there." He motions to the building. Ahsoka nods, and he walks ahead, the twins standing dutifully next to her as he steps inside. He blinks to adjust his eyes to the darkness inside. Rowdy music fills his ears, and he ignores the drunken people staggering around, heading to the counter to order a drink.

Anakin rarely ever consumes alcohol, but he'll make an exception now. For one, it will help him blend in, and for another, he wants the effect it can provide, much as he's loath to admit it. "One shot of your strongest," he requests, flipping the credits onto the counter.

The bartender passes him the small glass within a couple minutes, and Anakin subtly glances around the room. He doesn't see anything which the Force might have wanted him to find in here. All he's seen is a scantily clad, female Twilek dancer who is performing on the other side of the room. He turns his back on her, shuddering inwardly. While she might not be a slave, the sight invokes memories of slavery he'd rather not think about.

"I'm looking for a pilot," he informs the bartender, who sets down the glass in front of him.

"A pilot," the bartender repeats, pointing across the cantina. "You might wanna go talk to that man over there, the one with the Wookie companion. They're looking for work."

Anakin follows the motion, spying the pair sitting in the corner, shrouded in darkness. Nodding his thanks, he drinks down the shot of alcohol, shivering as he feels its strength. Pushing away from the counter, he meanders through the beings, gingerly sidestepping a puddle of something which looks like dried vomit. Gross. Is this place ever cleaned?

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