Chapter 13 - Solutions

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Vader complies with all the physicians' orders for him to undergo the testing procedures. He can't get an accurate analysis of his situation if he doesn't. Silently, he assesses his own body. After the healing trance, he'd woken feeling more refreshed than he has in a long time – years, perhaps. He could sense something different in his lungs, though it was only noticeable when he probed deeply. The trance definitely did his body a world of good, though it would likely take weeks for him to achieve any level of independent breathing.

As the tests are completed, Vader is allowed to replace his armor and helmet which had been removed. The healers confer quietly comparing notes on their datapads before turning towards him again. "Lord Vader, we have completed our assessment of your heath, but we would suggest discussing this with the others. Senator Organa requested that we inform him of the situation."

Vader crosses his arms, contemplating the options. On one hand, he could refuse, but chances are high that they will find out anyways, especially if surgery is possible and something goes wrong. On the other hand, he could agree, but somehow, discussing his physical condition with anyone, even Obi-Wan, seems... strange after so many years. It gives him a vulnerability he doesn't want to have. Finally, he inclines his head in agreement and hopes he won't regret it.

"You may tell them," he concedes finally.

It only takes a few minutes for Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Bail to enter the room. Leia follows them slowly, gaze skirting over to him almost immediately. She studies him with the same penetrating power that Padme had. He pushes past the memories and the hurt, focusing instead on the current situation. If he can go through surgery – he doubts it – they have to weigh the pros and cons accurately, something which is impossible if he's distracted.

"What is the situation?" he asks, keeping his tone detached. It's his body, but at the same time, it's not. Not really. It's been damaged irreparably, and he has very little attachment to it. If it stopped working right now, he wouldn't regret it.

"Undoubtedly, the most serious part is your lungs," one of the doctors explains. "They were severely damaged, and there are very low chances of them healing, especially now that so much time as passed. Right after the injury, it would have been possible, but we'll have to find another solution now."

"Are you saying that healing was possible?" Vader demands incredulously.

"Yes, of course," the other physician answers. "Technology for artificial lungs has existed for a couple decades. Research was done on cloning human body parts by the Kaminoans even before the rise of the Empire, but it had been mostly untested until about eight years ago. It has proven quite promising."

Vader clenches his fists, rage boiling up at how much he was used. He was treated as nothing more than a tool, a shiny toy Sidious enjoyed playing with. "Anakin," Obi-Wan says quietly reaching out to him through the Force and finally moving to place a hand on his arm to keep him grounded. He finds that he appreciates the gesture and not only because it kept him from lashing out like he might have a year ago.

Bail casts him a look which borders on worried before nodding to the physicians. "Go on."

"We could theoretically replace your lungs, and they should function as if they were never damaged in the first place," the second healer continues, a hopeful note in his voice. "Additionally, treatment in a bacta tank should heal the burns on your body as well as much of the scarring."

Vader makes an incredulous noise which isn't transmitted very well through the vocoder. "I have been using a bacta tank, and my condition has hardly changed over the past ten years," he asserts firmly. "I do not see how that would be any more effective."

"Perhaps it was low quality," suggests Bail.

The first physician purses his lips and shakes his head. "I would actually suspect it was a placebo because even low quality bacta fluid has some healing properties. His body shows minimal signs of healing, most of which are likely due to natural factors." He glances down at his datapad for a moment and frowns. "We noted additional damage as a result of electrical burns which have been sustained for a time."

"I have been acquainted enough with bacta to know that it was definitely low quality," Vader manages to say, silent screams of betrayal racing through his mind. Best available medical care indeed. Even slaves got better on Tatooine. His rage lashes out, and a tremor rips through the room, exploding a nearby light fixture. Bail blanches, taking a step back, but no one else moves. Leia gives him an accusing look, but she doesn't say anything.

Vader senses the calming waves Obi-Wan and Ahsoka send to him, and he tries to reign in his temper. He cannot take the risk of Sidious sensing him. That would ruin the element of surprise. "Is there anything else?" Obi-Wan prompts as Vader gets himself under control again, though his anger simmers right under the surface.

The physicians hesitate, probably wary of provoking Vader's formidable temper before the second healer speaks. "We can attach updated prosthetics," he states succinctly. "The current ones are extremely outdated, and the improper installation is likely the cause of the constant pain. We can add synthskin to give them better feedback."

"That would be acceptable," Vader agrees, flexing his right hand, "But I wish this arm to remain as it is." It's the only one which wasn't majorly tampered with. Even if they had no other redeeming qualities, the Jedi healers did a flawless job installing the prosthetic.

Obi-Wan gives him an understanding look. "Before – before everything which happened," he explains haltingly, "He lost his right arm."

"I am used to it," Vader interjects abruptly, the note of finality in his voice ending the conversation. It would be just as well if it were over because it's become increasingly uncomfortable.

"I can make arrangements for whatever equipment and supplies are necessary," Bail informs the physicians. "Come with me. I can take care of it immediately." If nothing else, the man is very prompt. It's so obvious that he's a rebel sympathizer, but Vader doesn't exactly care right now.

The three exit the room, leaving Vader alone with the others. "Either Ahsoka or I can get Luke," Obi-Wan finally tells him. "I will leave it up to you to decide which of us you want to go."

Leia brightens at the name. "I can't wait to meet him," she declares with assurance. "What's he like? Daddy didn't know much about him."

Vader forces himself not to stiffen at the title, but he can't control the surge of rage and jealousy which echoes into the Force. Leia is obviously comfortable with Bail. She adores him as any daughter might her father, even if she's only adopted. The wrongness of it sears into him. It should have been him. He's cruelly reminded of his own paradise and how his children behaved towards him. This Leia doesn't need him. It would be better if he died destroying Sidious.

"Whatever you're thinking, Skyguy, stop," Ahsoka orders, crossing her arms and staring at him.

Leia senses the emotional surge at her words, because she suddenly seems abashed, and there's a distinct note of concern in her brown eyes – Padme's eyes – as she looks at him. "I feel it may be best if I went to confront Sidious. He will not suspect the motives behind my sudden return to Coruscant until it is too late." It feels like the right decision, but he doubts anyone else will agree. That's fine. He can fight this out with them.

"Uh, no," Ahsoka says immediately. "I am not letting you go on a suicide mission. We just got you back, and I, for one, have no intentions of losing you just yet."

"Ahsoka's right," Obi-Wan agrees, something eerily close to pleading in his blue-gray eyes. "I'm not going to let you go, not after – everything." There's clearly much he's leaving unsaid, and while Vader appreciates the sentiments – really, he does – they evoke unwanted feelings within him. Why couldn't they have felt like before everything fell apart? Why did it have to take him giving up on life for them to realize what they should have long ago?

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