Chapter 29 - Change of Plans

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Anakin stands stiffly in the middle of the room he'd last entered so many months ago. It's just as he remembered it being, though dust is now coating everything. It was far too easy for them to get from the underworld to here; his clearance codes still worked, so they were able to land in the private hanger for the complex. Honestly, Anakin doesn't even know why Sidious gave it to him, because it's not as though he spent much time on Coruscant. He always preferred staying on Mustafar or Vjun.

He's grateful now, because if not for this residence, it would have taken far more planning before they would have been able to come for Obi-Wan. Anakin's medical droid is currently fussing over his former master, while Ahsoka is helping Anakin search for a replacement limb. He can hardly take control of the Empire with one and a half arms. He knows there's one around here. Somewhere. Finding it isn't an easy task.

Anakin's outer robes are laying on a chair, his sleeve pulled up to the place where flesh meets metal. He can theoretically disconnect the limb to replace it, but he hasn't done so for a while, so it may prove to be a tad more involved. Seating himself at his workbench, he carefully begins to work on the connections, using the Force to help.

"I think I got it," Ahsoka calls. Something clatters across the room as she pulls out a limb. "This is your right arm, right?"

He eyes the metal in her hands before nodding. "It's not the most recent, upgraded version, but it will do," he concedes, turning back to the severed limb which is still attached to him. He doesn't know why the parts are sticking in place, but it's becoming annoying.

Finally, he closes his eyes, sinking into the Force as he reaches into the components, letting himself feel how they fit together. Slowly, he begins to maneuver them, loosening screws using only the Force as he pulls it apart. When he opens his eyes again, the parts are hovering in the air. Without a single gesture, they're placed on the workbench, while Ahsoka wordlessly hands him the replacement. He goes about connecting it, double checking that the mechanics are in place as he secures it.

He flexes his fingers, feeling satisfied when they respond as he'd anticipated. "This isn't the best model, but it will be serviceable for now."

"You ready for the rest?" she questions, waving a hand at the armor sitting off the side.

Anakin huffs out an irritated breath. "No, but I don't have a choice. Help me?"

She smiles sincerely. "Of course."

They work in tandem, securing all the heavy durasteel armor in place. It's been so long since Anakin has last been required to wear it, and he feels oddly resentful that he's been forced into this position again. Well, it's of no consequence. He only needs to wear it to secure his position and prevent the Empire from devolving into chaos.

"Stay here with Obi-Wan," he instructs Ahsoka after the last pieces have been secured and the helmet lowered in place. He nearly shivers at how different his voice sounds. He's become so accustomed to his usual tone, that hearing Vader's voice when he speaks is... strange. "And keep in contact with Solo. I want to know when he picks up the twins."

"As you wish, Master," she chirps, saluting him.

He rolls his eyes, not that she sees, before spinning, cape swirling around him. The only thing he's missed about his armor is the intimidation factor and that it allows him to seem invulnerable. Although, that's not something he plans on confessing to anyone.

Anakin doesn't stop, striding through his residence until he reaches the hanger bay, whereupon he takes a speeder to the Senate. He can feel the confusion when the stormtroopers see him, hear their whispers and murmurs of uncertainty, but no one stops him. The Emperor is dead, and word is spreading fast. No one knows what to do, so he'll provide them with a solution. He hasn't been openly declared a traitor to the Empire, because to do so would mean to admit defeat. The manhunt has been more secretive in nature, with mainly the Inquisitors on their tail, not that they ever found anything.

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