Chapter 30 - Trouble Brewing

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~ Amina Gila

To say that Ahsoka is surprised when Anakin comes back with a Zabrak and four young children in tow would be an understatement. Still, she goes along with it, welcoming them all warmly. "They were meant to be the Emperor's Hands," Anakin confides as soon as they're settled in the living room. Obi-Wan is still in the bacta tank, though he'll be removed shortly. "They've received some Dark Side training, but we can still help them move past their traumas."

"What are their names?" she wonders. Watching them navigate their new surroundings with no small amount of apprehension, a familiar surge of protectiveness, one which she's felt towards Luke and Leia surges up.

"The eldest boy –" Anakin motions to the brown-haired one, "– Is Galen Marek. His parents were Jedi from what I heard. A couple Inquisitors brought him back from Kashyyyk. The other boy –" Here, he points to the black-haired one, "– Is Ezra Bridger from Lothal. His parents, I believe, are dead now, traitors to the Empire." Ahsoka winces at that. These children are so young, yet they're probably all orphans.

"The elder girl –" Anakin indicates the black-haired one, "– is Aralina Silk, and the other is Mara Jade. Unless I am mistaken, they were taken from their parents after being identified as Force sensitives. I am unaware if they have any living relatives."

"And how old are they?" wonders Ahsoka, a new loathing for Sidious hissing to life, anger burning deep within her. They're far too young to have their childhoods taken away in this manner. They should have grown up with their families.

"Ezra was born on Empire Day, a day or two before Luke and Leia. Galen is a couple months older than that, while Aralina is currently ten, and Mara is nine," Anakin informs her.

"What will we do with them?" she wonders, though she thinks she already knows the answer.

"We'll keep them, of course," he answers. "We can train them to use the Force properly, to be Jedi if they so choose. And we can hire a therapist or something to help them deal with their trauma."

She hums quietly, moving forward to sit in the middle of the floor so as to be less intimidating. "You've given this some thought, haven't you." It's not a question.

Ahsoka feels more than sees his nonverbal acknowledgement. "I'm going to contact Owen and check on Obi-Wan," he tells her before leaving the room.

"I'm Ahsoka Tano," she introduces herself as soon as Anakin is gone. The four of them gather around, lingering some feet away from her, and it hurts her to see how uncertain they are of her intentions. Sidious is a sadistic monster, and if he weren't already dead, Ahsoka would gladly drag his death out, making it as painful as possible.

"You have lightsabers," comments Ezra, leaning closer with curiosity.

"I – I'm a Jedi," she explains, feeling oddly reluctant to label herself as such, though it'll be easiest for now. "You know Master Skywalker. Lord Vader," she clarifies at their confusion.

Galen nods his head. "He helped train us sometimes. Lightsaber practice."

"He's scary," whispers Mara, flinching as she says it, and Ahsoka's heart breaks all over again.

Aralina shifts protectively in front of Mara, and Ahsoka is glad to see it, being as they've hardly known one another. They're obviously recognized that they have shared trauma and bonded because of it.

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