galaxy, stars and so much more

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"She lives in daydreams with me."

It was quiet in the small hut, the home of gran-master Yoda. Only the fire was making a quiet popping noise. Aaliyah was sitting on the ground with Oisin next to her. They barely fit inside the small building, but it will do for the time being.

"Hungry, are you?" asked Yoda, and slowly wobbled over to the fireplace with a small pot hanging above the fire.

"I'm not, thank you, Master Yoda," said Aaliyah and Oisin also declined, not really trusting the creature completely.

Yoda was watching Aaliyah and for the first time, Aaliyah could also properly see him. He was not much older than when she saw him last time. But he had more wrinkles, he was tired, worn out. He seemed small, yet Aaliyah knew how much power and strength was hiding inside of him.

"A great darkness you brought with you, young one," said suddenly Yoda in a raspy, quiet voice, when he intensely looked into her eyes. "A great suffering and pain you feel."

Aaliyah didn't need to say anything. It wasn't a question, after all, the wise master was just stating facts. She was standing before him, not hiding any of her emotions, her thoughts. Instead, she was quietly watching him, anticipating, preparing for the truth.

"Always with you, a great danger is," he almost mumbled, clutching his cane with both hands. He looked more troubled than just moments ago.

"He is haunting me," said Aaliyah. There was no point in lying, in pretending. "Darth Vader."

Yoda nodded his head and sighed heavily. "Stop, he won't. Face him, you have to."

One thing was bothering her mind more and more. One question was burning on the tip of her tongue, and she wasn't able to hold it back any longer. "Do you know who he is?"

"Your lover, he was," answered Yoda simply and Aaliyah expected some kind of disappointment from him, but it never came. "Break the Jedi code, he made you."

"No," Aaliyah shook her head quickly. "I did it on my own."

"Hm," he mumbled and slowly nodded his head.

"I didn't know he was a Sith Lord. I had no idea. I knew him before the Empire."

"That, I know."

"How?" asked Aaliyah, who wanted to further explain her actions, but somehow it looked like he already knew everything.

"A mysterious thing, the force is," was his simple answer, but she knew there was more to it. A silent sight escaped the man who was sitting next to her, and suddenly she realized, that Oisin was still here. Aaliyah looked at him and could tell he wanted to say or asked a lot of things but chose not to. He was scanning her with his gaze as if he wanted to read the answers for his unspoken questions.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now