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"No more will my green see go turn a deeper blue

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"No more will my green see go turn a deeper blue. I could not foresee this thing happening to you." 

It was a welcomed change of environment, being able to breathe fresh air, feeling the warm, humid breeze on her skin, seeing the green scenery of the galaxy. It was...refreshing, almost beautiful enough to lift up her spirit, but not quite.

Aaliyah was sitting outside of the ship, on the open ramp, while somewhere inside of it was Oisin, trying to regain his senses after he was pulled out of carbonite. He woke up distressed, blind, unable to speak. So, she let him rest and slowly reacclimate his body at its own pace. Meanwhile, Aaliyah was, as always, thinking about Anakin and his sudden turn and what it could possibly mean to the bigger cause in the future. Does this mean he would turn in other aspects too?

No, Aaliyah quickly said in her own head, she can't hold onto that hope, not when it was probably very far from the truth. But she had to admit, his actions were even more confusing than ever before. What does it mean? Two days ago, when she left Mustafar, she was far too shocked to ask him anything. And to be honest, he didn't look like he wanted to speak at all, just do what he thought was right at that moment. Maybe, he was already looking for her, cursing himself for giving in to this brief moment of weakness. Who knows?

She didn't feel anything from him, from his force, his walls as high as ever, shielding himself from the whole galaxy. That's what he was always doing and it must be exhausting, she realized. Both physically and mentally. Never showing his true face, always wearing a mask - literally and figuratively.

"How did we got out?" Aaliyah heard a shaky voice behind her and there he was with a sweaty, pale face and curly hair that looked more like a bird's nest.

"He let us leave," she turned back to watch the green forest of Takodana. They won't be here for too long, it was dangerous. But Aaliyah wanted to let Oisin wake up slowly and Takodana was the safest, closest planet to them, far enough from Mustafar. But she was lost now, not really knowing what to do next. The best scenario would be to have contact with someone from the Rebel Alliance, but how? She had no commlink, she didn't know where they were. As far as she was concerned, they were probably already on the other side of the galaxy.

"Just like that?" he asked and slowly came down from the ramp, where she was sitting.

Aaliyah looked up at him. "You should rest."

Oisin didn't appreciate the quick change of topic and he let her know by his facial expression and tone. "I asked you something."

She quickly got up, dusting herself off. "Yes, just like that. Don't ask me why, I don't know."

Not only she didn't know, but she didn't want to talk about it whatsoever. But Oisin decided to be difficult, or perhaps the carbon freeze made him extra annoying and annoyed at the same time. "You have a history with him," it wasn't really a question, more like a statement and Aaliyah decided not to answer. "That's why you kissed me before we went to Dagobah. That's why he was so angry. That's why he put me in the carbonite."

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now