the new rebel base

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"'Cause there'll be no sunlight, if I lose you, baby" 

Something felt wrong. Obi-Wan's treatment to her felt wrong, that she understood quickly after his first words to her when they departed from Mustafar. He was watching her, still crouching next to her sunken body against the cold wall of the ship. And he was waiting for her to talk. And at that moment Aaliyah knew that there was no more hiding, yet the words couldn't escape her mouth.

"Who is Anakin?" he asked when the silence was too much to bear for both of them.

She sighed and wasn't able to look him in the eyes. "You know who he is," she whispered.

"I want to hear it from you," the only explanation on how he found out about Anakin is that Ahsoka told him. And she was not angry at the Togruta for that, not at all. "Who was he to you?"

Aaliyah was once again sitting on a hard ground of the ship she entered just minutes ago. She was watching her surroundings but somehow everything was blurry for her. It all felt like a dream or more like a nightmare. How could everything fall apart in a matter of minutes? Things they were building for years were now gone. The Republic has fallen, the democracy is no more, and the Jedi Temple is burning, hiding the corpses of many of her brothers and sisters. Her heart clenched when she vividly remembered the small bodies of the children, who were trying to hide from their attacker. But they never managed. They never stood a chance.

She still smelled the burning flesh, blood and heavy darkness in her nose and the only thing she could ask herself was "how?". Were they really that blind, when they never saw the darkness approaching?

"Aaliyah," she heard from the entrance of the ship. She looked up and saw suddenly revealed looking Ahsoka. "Thank the force," she said and crouched now next to her.

It seemed, to Ahsoka, that Aaliyah was not really looking at her. She was somewhere far away. Ahsoka took her face into her palms and that's the moment the very first silent tear escaped from the girl's eye. "We lost everything, Ahsoka," Aaliyah whispered. "And he is gone too."

"Who?" asked Ahsoka.

"He's gone and he's never coming back," she repeated absentminded, and Ahsoka had to put her hands-on Aaliyah's shoulders to shake her a little bit. For the first time, Aaliyah looked into Ahsoka's eyes.

"Who is gone?" it was a stupid question because tonight most Jedi Knights, Masters and Padawans lost their lives. But Ahsoka somehow knew that Aaliyah was not talking about them.

"Anakin," she whispered, and the bitter taste was lingering on her tongue. Anakin so lost to her. Lost forever.

"That pilot?" asked Ahsoka. "Skywalker?" she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as to why would Aaliyah feel such a sadness about the pilot. Ahsoka saw him on a couple of occasions and never really paid attention to him. Just like he never paid attention to her, or to anybody it seemed. But then it suddenly struck her. A single thought, that would explain a lot of things. "Aaliyah, what is going on?"

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now