gone but still here

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"Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine but I wish I was dead

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"Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine but I wish I was dead... Dead like you." 

His steps were making a booming sound, echoing through the corridor he was walking through swiftly. Black hood hiding his identity and robes flowing behind him, his posture, walk, and energy around him was elegant, graceful, and noble and he was sure of himself, about every move he made.

But as sure he might look to anyone, in reality, he felt conflict and too much fear for a powerful Sith Lord. He never felt like this. The only person that mattered to him, that he cared about was missing. He didn't know where she was, and it made him angry for not knowing and even more made him fear for her safety. Today was not just any other day. It was something he and his master were waiting for. And this day he had to be extra careful mostly because a certain group of individuals was about to be extinct and she was a part of this group. So, he needed to make a plan to keep her somewhere safe, hidden. Therefore, they were supposed to meet at his apartment – as always – and as soon as she's there, it would be his job to keep her there no matter what. The possible dangerous situations waiting for her outside during Order 66 made his skin crawl. Yet, she never came. She never contacted him, and she never mentioned any stupid Jedi business. Cursing the whole Jedi order, he decided to go to the person, that would be able to give him answers. It wasn't like he could reach her with the force without her noticing something is wrong.

Walking without knocking into one of the offices in Senate building, he saw his master sitting behind the large desk, smiling in satisfaction. "Master," he addressed him, coming closer.

"Ah, my apprentice," Darth Sidious welcomed him with opened arms and smile, but Vader knew it was fake. It always was and he didn't care. Sidious games were not something new to him. "Can you feel it. The dying light side. The dying Jedi all around the galaxy?" he asked rhetorically. "There is no light," he whispered.

"Do you have any idea where she is?" Vader asked in a stern voice, not being in a mood to joke around, unlike his master, who was having the time of his life.

Sidious brow furrowed in fake confusion and tilted his head. "Don't tell me you lost your little Jedi, Lord Vader."

"Master do you have any idea where she is?" he repeated his question without missing a beat, looking at his master through his narrowed eyes.

Standing up and rounding his desk, Sidious came standing before Vader, yet keeping his distance. "You, my boy, you are not stupid. You've always known that this romance between you and that girl had no future. You knew something like this could happen," sincere tone in Sidious voice was just pretended, Vader knew, but that was not important to him. He just wanted to know what he was talking about. "She died during her mission on Utapu, with Master Kenobi. Commander Cody got the memo, already."

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now