face to face

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"Brave, are you brave enough to meet? The desires that you seek

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"Brave, are you brave enough to meet? The desires that you seek. Hold my hand I'll set you free."

Aaliyah was sitting on the ground in the cockpit, her legs were crossed, and eyes closed, both arms on her knees. She was trying to calm down her nerves and focus on what she needed to do, but still, the anxiety in her body was making her almost visibly shake.

"Concentrate," she whispered to herself.

She might leave Yavin 4 without any troubles, but the truth was, she didn't know where Vader was, and where should she go to find him. The only solution for this was to contact him and tell him, that she was willing to surrender. He will be more than happy to tell her, where she will meet her destiny. How was it for him so easy to contact her, but she was sitting here and all she could hear in her head was her own voice and thoughts.

But soon enough she felt herself being carried away, swallowed by emptiness, but she knew she was on the right path. Her head was spinning and suddenly it felt as if her whole body crashed into a wall. But in reality, it was just what she was looking for. In a couple of seconds, she was where she wanted, in Darth Vader's mind, listening to his mocking laugh.

"Don't tell me you missed me," his words may sound friendly, but his voice was far from it, making her almost shiver.

"I will surrender," she stated, not in the mood to entertain his games. It was now or never, and she wanted to get it over with.

"I know," he hummed, pleased. "Didn't I tell you, that you would do that? Because that's who you are. You are so selfless, aren't you, always thinking about other people, those people who need help. People like you tend to lose everything, and then there are people like me, selfish, who always get what they want," his words made her breath hitch in her throat. Some may call it crazy, but she remembered every single conversation with Anakin, and she wanted to throw a tantrum when for a split second, she compared Anakin and Vader. They are nothing alike.

"Because you are selfless, and you would think about all of those people who need help. But I am not. I am selfish, and I don't care about them, alright?" she could even remember Anakin's tone of voice when he was talking to her. They are nothing alike, she told herself again.

"Where should I go?" she asked, yet again going straight to the point.

"Mustafar," he said quickly and closed the connection, almost throwing her violently out of his mind. She was breathing quickly, when she came to her surroundings, watching the stars through the cockpit window. She was scared, she was past trying to deny it. This kind of fear was something normal, almost crucial in survival, or at least master Plo Koon always said so.

"Being afraid means to be a human, and sometimes it also may save your life, young one," he said and put one hand on Aaliyah's shoulder and the other hand on Ahsoka's shoulder. Both girls always had a soft spot for the master, because both of them were found and brought to the Jedi Temple by him. He was not just their mentor, but also someone they would turn to in case of some discreet problem they didn't want to tell Obi-Wan. They had support in him, he was an excellent master and even better Jedi, but that's just it. As a Jedi, he was perfect, following the code, and sometimes, Plo Koon was more unorthodox in advice. "If one is not scared of anything, they are being reckless, and I would hate to see the day one of you would get hurt because of that. So, be afraid, take your fear and go through it, beyond it."

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now