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"Don't leave, what we have is irreplaceable

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"Don't leave, what we have is irreplaceable. No, I won't trade this for nothing." 

With her head held low, she quickly passed the temple guards without – hopefully – being noticed, running down the multiple steps outside the Jedi temple. Her hood was pulled over her face and senses on high alert when she walked to her ship. All this sneaking around made her feel extremely guilty and anxious, but just the simple thought of a certain blue-eyed man made it all go away instantly. That's why with a smile on her face she was watching the familiar apartment complex through her cockpit window and the only thing she felt was ecstasy and thrill. She could sense his presence, so overwhelming and full of something, she was never able to name. But the butterflies in her stomach told her, that it couldn't be anything bad.

Getting out of the ship, she walked through the big balcony with chairs, table, and sofa, hurrying through the entrance of the apartment. With anticipation, she stopped as soon as the glass door shut behind her and watched the man sitting on the sofa, head hung, and with some device in his hand. He looked concentrated and his eyebrows were pulled together in a deep frown, making him almost look worried. But Anakin was never worried, at least she never felt such emotion coming from him. "Good evening," she said with a smile on her face and watched him snap his head up to her. His face was surprised for a moment when he focused on the face of the woman, he did not expect to see in his apartment tonight.

"What..." he started but stopped himself and instead stood up from the sofa and with a couple of long steps, he was already standing in front of the smiling girl. She never gave him a chance to say anything else, leaping into his arms and grabbing his face to pull him into a kiss. That's the first time in weeks – since she left Anakin and Coruscant for a mission – she felt serenity, peace, harmony, and overall every good emotion she could feel. She was home in his arms, loving the fact that without a single thought, he wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up from the floor, so he didn't have to bend over. "What are you doing here?" he whispered, his face still close to her, looking into her eyes that were almost glowing in the darkroom. "I thought you won't be back for another couple of weeks."

She laughed and combed the hair on his neck with her fingers. She loved his hair, so soft, curly, and all over the place, yet at the same time it looked like it was supposed to be like that. "So, you are not happy to see me then?" she asked.

"No, no, no that's not what I meant," Anakin said immediately and shook his head, making her laugh again.

Aaliyah kissed him quickly and whispered: "I know," trying to give him a little space, which was not something he had in mind, pulling her even closer. "But since you asked, we got the situation under control sooner than we thought we would."

"That's good. That's good," he murmured and nod his head. "Any damages?" he asked as always when she came back from a mission. Without giving her any time to answer he pulled her hood from her head and the long robe from her shoulders, leaving her only in her white Jedi outfit. As always, her shoulders were exposed and so was a piece of the white bandage wrapped around it. "What's this?" he asked and bend down to kiss her on one shoulder and then on the injured one.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now