trust the force

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"You know you're fighting in a losing battle, making a noose out of your hollow crown

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"You know you're fighting in a losing battle, making a noose out of your hollow crown." 

Something was hanging in the air and everybody could feel it. Every living thing on the ship could recognize something they couldn't quite name, but it was heavy, almost sticky. Perhaps nobody was brave enough to search and try to find the source. And maybe they knew all along and that's what discourages them. That's why everyone was moving silently, that's why they were rigid, expecting some kind of explosion.

However, the source of this heavy feeling was sitting in his quarters, unmoving, eyes stick to the empty wall in front of him, but his mind was far away. In a place where he could be whoever he wanted to be. Someone would probably find it laughable because he could be whoever he wanted to be. He was. He had the galaxy in the palms of his hands. He had the galaxy on its knees. Yet something was always missing. That's why he always found himself to travel far, far away in his mind, connecting to the force signature that made his heart flutter with ecstasy, longing for more. Wanting to feel more of her and the light that was oozing from her.

Every time he came in contact with this addictive, heavenly sensation, the chaos that was always present in his mind would disappear. There was nothing else in this galaxy, there was no hate in his heart, no anger in his body, no suffering in his life. Just the calming effect of her presence, however short-lived it was. And he grasped it every time, used it for himself, not feeling guilty for it because in his mind she was his to do so. His only remedy and he would be damned if he let her disappear from his life. Slipped through his fingers again.


Yes, he would sooner die.

He would raise hell and burn the whole galaxy down. Burn with it if necessary.

"She left, Lord Vader. Left you and is now a part of the Rebellion to destroy the Empire," Vader's hands were in tight fists when he vividly remembered his master's words. "She is your enemy and has to be destroyed."

No, he has his own plans. His own path that is so different from whatever his master has in mind. Darth Vader is no longer a slave, the pawn in the game between the rebels and the Empire. He is his own master, lurking in the dark, observing and waiting for the right time to strike and make the galaxy something more. More than the Republic, more than the Empire. And there would be nobody that would be able to stop him. In his mind, he knew it was not just an arrogance talking, a taught trait of the Sith Lord. It was simply just the truth. Unspoken, yet known.

However, at this very moment, it was hard to focus on such a long-term commitment and plans, when there was only one forming and burning in his brain. The only one that needs to be carried out. With that simple thought, his mind went off, buzzing and there was something painful clutching, scratching at his throat, spiling inside his mouth with a sour taste. He knew what it was but never said it out loud, telling himself that he was too good for this feeling. That he had no reason to feel it, but he did, and it was biting every part of his body, showing him images that made him see red.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now