old friends and new enemies

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"I strike fear in the heart of the people. Bow down in the presence of lethal."

It felt as if lightning struck him right to the chest.

As if someone dared to slap him right across the face.

As if he couldn't breathe, yet at the same time breathe freely for the first time.

That's what it was like to him now when he watched the young girl from the shadows of the buildings on Coruscant. Hidden under the hood of his dark robes his blue eyes almost sparkled when he watched her slow and carefree walk. Everything about her screamed innocence and light. The force around her was the polar opposite of his own force signature, but still, her light lured his darkness, pulling it closer and closer to her. She didn't know he watched her, continuing her conversation with the young Togruta girl while they walk.

Who are you? He wondered in his mind and moved for the first time since she caught his eyes. She was slowly retreating, and he couldn't help himself but follow just to see her one more time. He didn't think much of it, simply interpreting his odd behavior as a curiosity. Nothing more and nothing less. Curiosity of a young man.

That was the moments she moved to the side and uncovered the silver and gold hilt of something he could immediately identify as a lightsaber. Stopping in his tracks and taking a defensive stance with hand on his own lightsaber was a automatic reaction from someone who was constantly on alert. "Jedi." The sneer on his lips and venom dripping from his words could be audible to anyone, but no one paid attention to the young man whose insides were burning with hatred. With one more look, he turned and with a quick pace disappeared into the shadows as if he was never even there.

It made him mad, it made him angry that he couldn't stop thinking about the brunette girl he saw a couple of days ago. If he didn't know she was a Jedi he would think of her as a witch, who put a spell on him.

With an angry roar, his red lightsaber sliced through the droids that were his opponents during training. "Jedi scum." He swore and violently kicked something that used to be droid's head. He hated her for this and yet that night he found himself in the shadows again, right in front of the Jedi temple with a need to see her one more time.

The disgust he felt was evident on his handsome face. He could sense the light side of the force circling around the whole building and see the pretentious and self-righteous Jedi going in and out. But he was waiting for a moment she would show up and she did, with the young Togruta girl again. Her robes were as white and light as her force that nearly attacked him as soon as she came out from the temple. Her long hair - now put in braids - were not just brown he realized, but with a reddish tint to it whenever the setting sun of Coruscant shone on her. Her cheeks were pink and even though he couldn't see the color of her eyes he could see that they were curious with a youthful gleam.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now