Calista Moe

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"And our love is a ghost, that the others can't see

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"And our love is a ghost, that the others can't see." 

Aaliyah's heart was beating hard against her ribcage, almost painfully hard, but she didn't care about that. The only thing, the only person on her minds was the man that was above her, whose lips were tracing her neck with butterfly-like kisses. So gentle, but she could feel their every move. On one side she wanted him to never stop, but the more inpatient side wanted him to devour her whole being, her body, soul, and her heart. This side wanted to erase any kind of distance between their bodies. But she lay still, only her fingers were running through his locks on the nape of his neck.

"Anakin," Aaliyah whispered, and if his ear wasn't at the level of her lips, he wouldn't be able to hear her. But he did, and his blue eyes darkened by the desire he was feeling, looked up into hers. "Promise you will never leave me again."

He was silent for a moment, his face serious before his lips started to form into a smile, and the happy wrinkles around his eyes were more visible. "Never. I promise," without wasting time, his lips attached themselves to hers in a kiss that was more passionate, than before. He was not holding back, his hands not leaving any room for her to lean away from him. She was drowning in him, suffocated by his body, his smell, his presence, and Aaliyah didn't mind. She was happier than ever before. She was in a safe space; he was safe and with her.

"I've missed you so much," Aaliyah whispered, when his lips went down through her chin, neck, to her collarbones, gently attacking them, surely leaving marks.

She didn't object when his fingers started to peel off the first layers of her white Jedi robes. She just waited, she wanted to know what he's going to do, how far he's going to go, even though Aaliyah knew exactly how far she wanted to go. And with him, she would go beyond anything.

Her breath hitched in her throat when his fingers grazed her chest, which was now completely exposed to his eyes that held hunger and passion. Just with him looking at her like this, she felt warmth and tickling under her belly, going straight to the most private parts of her body. She was aching for his touch, for him. The lust was almost burning her body, and the only remedy for that was Anakin's touch.

"I got you now, it's alright," he whispered right into her ear. She wanted to tell him, that this was probably just her dream, her imagination, and that nothing was alright, but she bit her tongue. She will not ruin this moment, even if all of this was just in her head, she will take it.

His hands were all over her body, just like his lips were, savoring her body and soul. But she should have known better than to let herself be blinded. Her eyes snapped open when she heard the familiar breathing through a mask. It was chilling sound, not easily mistaken. Once you heard it, it will be in your mind for eternity.

Anakin leaned from her slowly and looked at her with a smile. The gentle smile that should be somehow comforting, but the movements and shuffling she heard behind her back made her skin crawl with Goosebumps. "What is it, my love?" Anakin asked, when her eyes were full of panic, and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now