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"Up with your turret? Aren't we just terrified?" 

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"Up with your turret? Aren't we just terrified?" 

Days after destroying the Death Star, the euphoric mood was still present in the Rebel Alliance, none of them could afford to stop focusing on the bigger picture. They might have won one fight, but the war was still on and the Empire was far from weak just because they lost their superweapon, just like Vader said to Aaliyah. His words were still haunting her mind. She was on edge, waiting for him to show up and destroy everything and everybody in sight. Because he promised that and Aaliyah somehow knew, he was a man of his word, especially coming to matters like these.

She ended up telling Ahsoka everything and just like herself, Ahsoka also felt it could not bring anything good. Unfortunately, Ahsoka didn't have any knowledge about force connection like this. About two people, who didn't know each other, that previously didn't share any bonds, but could communicate through the force, could feel or create emotions of the other. Strong connections through the force were common, between padawan and master, or two individuals with strong attachments, but nothing like this. "It's very uncommon, and that's what worries me so much," said Ahsoka and a little wrinkle of distress showed between her eyebrows, when she watched her dark-haired friend being just as lost.

Since their last unpleasant encounter, Vader didn't contact her again, but still, she felt him linger in the darkness. It was just like before, except now she was able to name the presence, that was hanging above her head like a shadow. He was there, watching, waiting for her to break, and somehow, unlike her, he knew it will come sooner rather than later because he will make her.

She was unprepared, to find herself in the darkness once again when the sleep consumed her one night. Aaliyah was swallowed by the shadows, trying to watch out for the enemy, which was a part of those shadows. She could sense him, his presence was powerful, strong, unmatched. She started to repeat those same words, that pull her thought the darkness the last time. Aaliyah will never surrender to the dark side, never will be part of this world. She belonged to the light, so she was desperately trying to find it.

"Aaliyah," she heard behind her that familiar, smooth voice, that made her heartache.

She closed her eyes and shook her head, not turning around. She will not fall for this again. "You are not real. You are..." she swallowed. "You are dead," she whispered, and it was for the very first time, her mouth said those words. It was worse than she could possibly imagine.

"I am here. I am here with you," he said, making her shake her head again.

"I serve the light side. I serve the light. I am with the force and the force is with me," she whispered frantically over and over again, not moving, letting her tears fall down her cheek. Her heart was breaking with each step he took in her direction, she heard his boots making contact with the floor and his presence behind her back. "I am with the light. You are not real."

dynasty ~ anakin skywalker/darth vader (BOOK 1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now