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The outside of the restaurant is decorated with pretty fairy lights, and the one table in the middle is decorated with some sweet-looking sunflowers as light yellow seems to be the theme.

Slow music, something like jazz, plays softly, making it all feel like a dream to everyone present. The family that is surrounding talks and laughs for the happy occasion.

Minho stands in the middle of it all, a big smile plastered on his face with a few tears nearly falling.

Jisung stands a few feet away, breath stuck in his throat and so very nervous about what's about to happen.

"Sungie..." Minho is truly out of breath, feeling like his chest is about to pop out of his chest, and run around screaming.

Jisung feels exactly the same, except.......not in the way Minho does.

Not in a happy way.

Actually, he hadn't known this was going to happen, that he'd be stuck here, surrounded by the family of his boyfriend and his own damn one. Fuck.

This celebration, surprise party and whatever more Minho wanted it to be is too much. So much and so over the top and so fucking unnecessary. 

Jisung is done. 

Hell, Jisung has been done with this whole thing for a while and he had been planning to end it ......tonight.

That is slowly going down the drain.

Jisung can't hurt Minho, not like this, not with him standing there like a prince charming. With a ring in his pocket, with both their families watching.

No, he can't.

"You've been my rock for so long," Minho takes a step closer to Jisung, taking his hand in his. He feels Jisung shaking and smiles, thinking it's from how nervous his lover is.

"You are the reason why I have not given up and try each day to keep going on going" Minho sniffles "my love for you is eternal. It's constant and growing."

Jisung feels like shit, this is pure torture for him.

"Minho..." he whispers softly, finally finding his voice once again. But Minho is deaf, he fails to hear the pleading in Jisung's voice and only hears a call for his name.

"My love," Minho drops to his knee.

Jisung lets his tears begin to roll down, fast, in anger, annoyed.

Minho grins at his crying baby, thinking and knowing how happy Jisung must feel right now.

"Will you make me that happiest man in this planet and marry me!?" A ring with a diamond is pushed softly to Jisung.

Jisung tries to get the right word out of his mouth. Tries hard to find his sanity, but it seems to be gone. The words he had been preparing on his drive here are all gone.

This was supposed to be a break up.

Not an engagement.

"Sung...?" Minho grows a bit worried, but it goes away as he sees Jisung nod. He grins happily and puts the ring on his boyfriend's hand.

Jisung hears both families cheer in happiness, they walk close to them and begin to congratulate the happy couple.

From the corner of his eyes, Jisung sees Hyunjin standing there, with a smile on his face as he walks close to Minho and congratulates him.

Jisung walks to Hyunjin, taking his arm and pulling him away from the crowd, he glares at the boy "you knew?!" He whispers shouts.

Hyunjin can see everyone around them turn their eyes to the both, so he smiles as he softly answers "your fiancé is looking"

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