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Chans heart beats harder and his throat feels sore. Everything in his body wants to punch something and scream at the top of his lungs.

He watches his baby lay on his back, tears streaming down his face with a horrible lost look. It hurts Chan in more than one way. Their first chapter was ripped apart and torn in a horrible way.

"he's trying to rip us apart and leave us in pieces" Minho goes on, his voice dried.

Chan hears him sob and then watches him sit up, crying once again as he hugs his legs.

"why did you agree?" Minho asks in anger.

It hits Chans dying heart. "I.......I promised you..."

Minho sobs and shakes his head "god, you're so stupid" he tries to clean his tears but it's useless as more and more fall.

"Minho..." Chan breaths out "I'm doing this for you...." He tries hard not to cry, he can't.

"Chan, they are tearing us apart, killing our relationship with us being together, in the same place and the same city" Minho sobs "if you leave, if you go...they will be able to do so fucking much!" his cries grow.

"but we won't let them!" Chan pulls Minho to look at him, his tears filling up his eyes "Minho you promised to fight with me!"

"I can't do this without you...!"

Chan smiles and his tears finally fall "yes you can,"

Minho shakes his head "no..."

"baby, you can't give up the fight to them, we have to prove them wrong!" he pulls the man closer and begins to rub his back as Minho places his chin on the others shoulder, staring at the blank wall, crying like a small baby.

"I can't do this a second time around and you not be there!"

"you're stronger than this..."

"I'm not, fuck Chan, I'm not! I have no faith in anything else other than you! All I want is to be with you! That's it, that all for me" his crying and sobs grow harder "why are you doing this to me?"

And it hurts Chan to know that his lover is angry at everyone and him, especially him.

His already broken heart is being beaten by the words and the events, it makes him wonder if this is all that it will take to break the one thing he had loved.


"NO!!" Minho snaps and pushes Chan away from himself.

"don't call me baby! Don't call me that when you're about to leave me all alone!! When you thought me a language I can only speak with you!!!" he stands up and walks out of the room, tears falling faster and harder.

Chan stays in bed, he cries as well and holds his head on his hand, sobbing at the same rhythm that Minho does. His mind twirls with the memories they have made, the night they spend talking, the laugh, the stories, everything.

Minho cries on the floor.

He knows he isn't being fair.

All the other has done is treat him well, taken care of his broken heart and mend it to no end. Told him he's worth of loving. At the same time tough, Minho learned to praise Chan, live for him and love him. It was like Chan had put a spell on him and was now asking him to stop.

It's just torture.

It hurts, burns, itches like a goddamn poison.

The hours pass one again and both boys hear each other calm down. Drown in their tears then swim back out.

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