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"You knew?"

Minho looks at Chan who has his eyes on the road as he drives to the apartment. Chan had just told him that he knew about the letter that Jisung had left for him.

"Seung told me when we were going away, I...." He looks at Minho "I'm sorry, I didn't want you to hurt" He whispers.

Minho sighs, he can tell just how insecure his boyfriend is with the mention of Jisung and his name and the messy events.

So he reaches over, takes the strong hand in his and gives it a squish "you have nothing to apologize for" he smiles.

Chan lets out a deep sigh as they reach the stop light and lets his lips kiss Minho's back hand, he turns to give Minho a smile and is met with his lover's eyes already looking at him.

Illuminated by the moon, Minho looks young and perfect.

"Please, don't leave me" he begs.

Words that he's felt ever since they came back, because it's a shit storm. Everyone wondering, everyone questioning and it's barely been three days.

"I'm not, I've got my shit together, babe, I'm not giving into anyone pressuring us" the man's eyes are sincere. The grip is strong and steady.

So Chan has security and is back to being his in love fool self.

The drive is white and quite long, but both enjoy it a lot. The entangled hands are let go after a while and Minho looks out the window.

Recollecting all that has happened to him in the short period of time.

Thinking of his hurt and damaged heart, he really did think it'd be the end. That there would be no better and no other than...Jisung.

Because Minho was happy, for the most part, for the part that he was actually in love, the part where they both were in love.

Happiness was there at one point or another but then it vanished and it took some time, but Minho understood that it's okay to have those fond memories.

It was seven years for fucks sake!

Seven years in heaven has a price and he paid extra.

But now, real, stable, honest, together.... a new form of happiness found him.

"Do you think we're going too fast?"

Chan turns to look at the worried eyes, he smiles.

"Absolutely" he answers.

Minho bites his lip and sighs.

"But it's just the way I like it; it makes it real for me"

Minho stood at the front of his old, big, fancy....horrible apartment. A low chuckle escapes his lips as he remembers how crushed he was the last time he was here.

The door opens with a creek; Minho makes a note to get everything checked before they have viewings. To sell the place in perfect state.

Dear Minho,

I would like to start by apologizing.

Minho walks into the apartment and sits in the couch, he takes a deep breath as a million memories fly back to his mind.

The colors, the furniture. None of it was him. It all still wounds his ego, even if his better and doing great.

It was never my intention to hurt you the way I did, and I never meant for it to go this far. At first I thought it was a simple crush, those that you get when you meet your idol.

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