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"Are you sure you want to go?" Seungmin asks his friend as Minho puts on his jacket. Minho turns to look at Seungmin with a raised eyebrow and almost wants to laugh.

Minho nods and chuckles a bit "it's been years Min," he states as he walks to the door "I've moved on, I don't understand why you haven't" he opens the door and motions the taller one to walk.

Seungmin sighs and walks out, he thinks about where they are headed, a dinner with Hyunjin and Jisung to finally tell them the date of their wedding.

Changbin and Minho were invited at the same time. Jisung and Hyunjin went to their apartments and with shaky hands asked if they could come.

Changbin had only nodded and congratulated them with a sincere smile, he had also already moved on, he had many conversations with Hyunjin and somewhere along the way he realized that what happened was for the best.

The way it happened wasn't the best, but it was best that it happened when it did then later on.

Minho had received only Jisung in his apartment, there was tension and all Jisung wanted to do was sit on his knees and beg for forgiveness once again.

That was until Minho smiled at him "so you're finally announcing a date" he had said.

Jisung knew he was forgiven, he knew he could finally be happy with his lover and not regret anything anymore.

The older one knew he had just liberated the smaller one from guilt. This time with good hope. He wished Jisung a healthy, happy, and long life.

"I mean, they didn't just hurt you," Seungmin began as he walked down the street. "They also hurt my boyfriend"

Minho nods, he smiles softly, and turns to Seungmin "if they hadn't, you and Bin wouldn't be a thing" he replies. "Channie and I wouldn't have had a chance" that one makes him shiver a bit in fear.

Seungmin nods "yeah," he says softly "I guess you're right"

Minho only nods and smiles as they keep walking. They take about ten minutes to reach the restaurant and once they head inside they find Hyunjin and Jisung standing at the door, they smile shyly at Minho.

"There's the happy couple!" Minho says with a smile as he walks to them and gives them both a hug.

He hugs Hyunjin first, softly patting his back "good luck" he whispers.

And it's not much, but Hyunjin wants to cry.

Then Minho turns to Jisung and hugs him "weirdly," he whispers into the younger's ear "this is beautiful and makes me happy. I'm happy Jisung, so please be happy too"

Jisung sobs a bit and pulls away from the hug, he stares at Minho "I wish Chan hyung was here with you" he states.

Minho frowns "yeah, me too"

Jisung can't help but giggle at the older, he really didn't know he could be this cute.

Minho smiles back and ruffles his hair "you be happy little squirrel"


Once it's all done, Minho goes back to his apartment. He sighs as he lights up a candle and turns on a bit of soft music. He lays on his big bed and lets out a long deep breath, he wants so badly to just curl up in a ball and fall asleep.

But his thoughts are all going crazy.

It has been almost four years since Chan had to move to New York, four years of coming and going, of having tiny forevers in their bed.

Every single day is a struggle, having to watch Chan board a plane all the time, Minho just wants it to be done. He wants to have his boyfriend back in his arms and never let him go.

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