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"Is there more I don't know about you?"

The full moon enters the room through the window, both guys are now lying in bed, beers on the floor.

Chan hums "I'm not sure" he turns his head to Minho "why?"

Minho shrugs "I want to know it all, know all about you" he speaks softly, never breaking the bubble they created.


Shrug "I just do.... what's your favorite color?"

Chan blinks, "black"

"What about favorite movie?"

Chan notices Minho's voice grows more curious.

"Legally Blonde..."


Chan chuckles, he nods "really, really" he looks at Minho in the eyes "what about yours?"

"I like Marley and Me"

Chan smiles "you want to get a dog, don't you?"

Minho smiles bigger and nods slowly "I would love that, always wanted to and also a cat! God I love animals but..." he stops himself, shakes his head and sighs "favorite animal?"


"Wolfs are really cool" Minho says, he moves closer to Chans body, laying his head in the man's shoulder.

Chan tries hard not to die.

"Are you afraid of anything?"

Chan hums, "I'm afraid of losing the person I love" He whispers "are you?"

"I'm afraid of never being good enough" Minho says sincerely, knowing Chan is doing the same. He looks him in the eye and gives a broken smile "I've done it before"

Chan shakes his head, he puts hand on Minho's hair "when will you realize, it was never your fault?" He runs his fingers softly through the boy's hair.

"Maybe soon..." he bites his lip, liking the feeling of the fingers on his hair "you know.... it's weird," he lets out a deep breath and looks up "I thought it'd be harder to move on, thought I would hurt for so long yet..."

Minho chuckles, he sighs deeply "as the days pass it's easier for me to breath...and yeah, it hurts a bit, but......I feel like....it might've been for the best..." His eyes close "it's not as bad without him as I thought it would be"

In that moment, as Chans fingers play with his hair, Minho knows the reason why it's been easier than it would've been. He's had this amazing person by his side.

A shoulder to cry in. Arms to lean on.

Even if for a moment he forgot what his life's meaning was, even if for a second he forgot how to breath, thinking that the pain will last for so long.

Although, he knows his love for Jisung is too strong to get over, he'll just have to deal and learn how to live with it.

Yet to Minho, it felt easy.

"How about you?"

Chan looks at Minho "me?"

"Yes, your person, how is that?"

Chan chuckles and looks back up to the ceiling, his fingers still on Minho's hair "I think, like you said, as days pass, it's easier to breath.... easier to get by and not think that it's all lost..."

Minho sits up takes a swing of his beer, he smiles "to not having reciprocated love..." he says lifting up his drink.

Chan can't help but just laugh and bury his face to Minho's pillow.

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