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"Chan is so smart!" Minho gushes to Felix as they keep listening to Chan speak about the solar system.

Felix chuckles, he looks over at Jeongin and Chan who stand there looking up at the stars, sodas in their hands since alcohol was banned.

All the kids had gone to bed, leaving the adults to look at the stars and moon by themselves.

"How are things between you both?" Felix asks, not looking at Minho as to not intimidate him.

Minho smiles, he looks down at his soda can "it's scary, i asked him to court me, didn't realize it be so easy for him" he chuckles.

Felix chuckles with him "Min......" he sighs "what about...?"

Minho looks at the moon "it's been about four months; he was with me for nearly eight years..."

Felix bites his lip, he wants to tell Minho that if he's still thinking of someone else, that if it'll take such a long time to get that other guy out of his heart, then maybe he should let go of Chan.

But instead Minho hits him with "and yet, it's so easy to forget him"

"Oh...." Felix is a bit speechless, he wants to be happy, "Minho......" he doesn't know what to say really.

"I know, I know it's messed up" Minho chuckles drily "trust me it hurt, but I just can't help but think I owe him nothing, he cheated! He hurt me! Why must it be me who cries more ?!" Minho sounds frustrated, he leans his head on his hands "maybe I didn't love him like I thought I did" he says softly.

Felix blinks, he tentatively sets a palm to Minho's shoulder "so, it must've been for the best.... him leaving I mean" his voice is a bit awkward, Felix isn't very good at comforting people. "Maybe what you say is true, maybe you never even loved him..." His mouth talks faster than his brain thinks.

"Lix, it's what scares me most .... if I never did love him like I thought ....do I even know what love is? what love even feels like?"

Felix can see the scared look in the boy's eyes, but not as much as it used to be.

"Well ...." Felix sighs, he looks at Jeongin "I don't think love is something that feels the same with everyone...." He smiles as Jeongin points to the sky and jumps up and down a bit "it could be the need to take care of someone even when knowing they can very well do that"

Minho's mind takes him to the woods, where Chan tried to carry it all by himself.

"It's not being able to sleep if you know they are unhappy"

Minho's couldn't sleep when he and Chan weren't speaking....

"Love is weird Min, it doesn't even have to take years to grow, you can love someone within weeks, months.... of course for some people it takes years, but when you find it.... when it's there .... fuck...it's so amazing.... words can't even begin to describe how incredible it is!! Because that person, if it's the right one, won't hold you back, won't step in between you and your dreams, instead they will watch you grow and be happy for you, they will maybe hit you upside the head if you mess up.... but it's only because they want you to be the better version of yourself, and you also want to be better, better for you, for them..."

Minho's notices that as Felix speaks his eyes are set on Jeongin, who is only talking to Chan and drinking his soda.

Then his own eyes land on Chan, he smiles as Chan bounces a bit on his feet.

He knows damn well that the situation is far too delicate. That if he wants this to actually amount to something he can't just treat it like it's easy, because it's not, it won't be.

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