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"Did you hear me?"

Chan snaps out of his daze and pull away from the hug, he stares at Minho in shock.

"Stop hiding it, it's no use anymore" Minho says sternly, palms sit set on Chans bicep.


"I want to fix you! You want to fix me! We can help each other!!"

Chan sighs, he shakes his head "I don't want this to be an excuse, or for you to think I'm taking advantage of the situation"

Minho frowns and shakes his head, really not understanding how his hyung can be a bit dumb.

"If anyone is taking advantage is me!" Minho sighs "but I don't necessarily see it as a bad thing" he whispers. A hand placed to Chans cheek "let's help each other" he smiles "Jeongin said I can learn to love you" his forehead is placed on the others shoulder "I'm pretty sure it won't be hard".

And even if Chans heart is going crazy and his brain is lamely screaming at him to take the chance, to say yes and just roll with it.

Some logical part tells him to back up, Minho won't ever actually love him.

"Min," his voice is tender "it's not that simple..." He tries to find a reason, one that stands out the most, why this won't work.

But Minho pouts at him, then takes Chans hand and places it on his chest, over his heart.

"Do you feel that?!"

Chan nods, Minho's heart beats fast, hard, drumming against his chest.

"This is you! You always do this!" Minho pouts harder "so just keep doing it and I'm sure it'll only turn into a faster beating"

The older man stares at Minho in a bit of shock, he feels the heart bit accelerating a bit as Chan leans in closer.

His brain still screams no, but his hopes, his insanity, they are what drive him to make a decision.

Chan chuckles, he takes Minho's chin between his fingers "you're a brat" he states "asking me to fix you by courting you"

"I'm also trying to fix you!"

Chan hums, fingers still holding Minho's chin "if I do this, there is no going back"

Minho nods.

"you say Jisung will always be with you, I won't even tolerate you saying his name no more" he growls.

Minho shivers a bit; he gulps "o-okay"

"I know where I stand in your heart right now, so I'll give you time, court you, let you heal, but then, there is no going back Minho, I....I love you too much to have you and then let you go"

Minho gulps, he sees the sincerity in the man's eyes, he nods "it's okay, I'm okay with that" he wraps his arms around Chans waist and lays his head in the shoulder.

"You're shaking" Minho says, feeling as Chans body trembles a bit, but his grip is strong and he holds Minho close to him.

"You'll have to give me a moment" Chan whispers as he pats Minho's hair "I didn't expect this to happen......ever"

Minho wants to laughs but he knows that's a bit mean. So he only leans closer, as if possible, to Chan and begins to hum a song to his ear.

Chan is in paradise.

So they stand there for a while. Chan tries to calm his beating heart and Minho only pats his back.

Minho knows what he just suggested is wild, weird and stupid, but in his head it doesn't sound too bad.

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