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Felix stares at his friend who keeps arranging books from one side to another, all of them on alphabet order and checked twice like Santa clauses list.

Felix chuckles at his thought.

He admits his friend is so tedious with his work, ever since the first time Chan was in the town, he found comfort in arranging books.

More often than not, Chan would be in the library soaking up on what needed to be ordered. It's his way of distracting his mind.

"You're worse than the first time" Felix mumbles after a while.

Chan hums and puts books on the shelf, his eyes distracted, or at least it's the illusion he tries to give.

"Chan.....this isn't good for you"

Chan sighs "Felix, the only thing not good for me is you being here all talkative!" He huffs "I mean really; don't you have anything to do!?" He glares at Felix.

Felix chuckles but tries hard to cover it so his friend won't have his head.

"Why are you here anyway!? Did Jeongin get tired of you already!?"

Felix laughs "that man will never get tired of me" he smirks.

Chan rolls his eyes, finishing organizing the books he goes and sits next to the other.

"You're walking on egg shells man" Felix states "he's going to find out"

Chan shakes his head "why would he? I've talked to the kids, warned them not to say anything, and you" he points to Felix and looks him in the eye "you and Jeongin shut the hell up!" He glares.

Felix knows that if he didn't know Chan, he'd probably be scared of the man, but he knows Chan and all he does is chuckle while he shakes his head.

"Chan.....you escaped the first time because he was so in love!"

Chan scoffs, he turns to look away.

"Came here trying to forget the man, saying there was no option but to drown in your own pity!"

The words hit Chan's ego, remembering the shattered mess he was.

"Now here you are, with the man you love, living with him, what is your end game man!?"

And that's the million-dollar question, even Chan himself doesn't know what the end game might be for him.

To fix Minho, it's what his step father asked, but his head screams at him to make a move, to love the man he has always wanted.

"I just..." Chan tries to speak, he sighs "it hurts to watch the man I've loved for so long be in such pain..."

He looks at Felix with sad eyes "I was so willing to let go! So ready! When I got back and found out he was engaged all I did was smile! Because I knew it was bound to happen!"

A deep breath is taken; Chan pulls at his hair in frustration.

"I was apart from him, so close to touch yet all I did was look, I thought he would be happy," he growls and his eyes turns dark as the face of a certain person pops up "then that fucking kid!" He scoffs.

"Broke Minho so bad, hurt him deeply, so I couldn't help myself but to be there for him! I know it's wrong" and even if he doesn't want to show his weakness to Felix, Chan can't help but let out one tear.

"He's my stepbrother, forbidden by everyone and their fucking mothers so why the hell did I fall for him so fast!?"

Felix watches as Chan rubs his eyes in frustration as he hides the pain in his eyes. It's hard to see this story unravel, one so in love he had to be send away, the other so in love, he chooses to follow his love in the shape of a friend.

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