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Days passed, and the two men tried hard to pass the subject of Chan's love and kept going on as if nothing had happened.

Like the fact that Chan had now moved to the couch had nothing to do with his love.

Or how he would wake up and no longer had Minho to have breakfast with.

Maybe he had too much work. Chan tried not to be hurt, but it was impossible.

Minho has assured that he wouldn't let the issue get to him, but it had. It had gotten to him and his head like all things do.

Sometimes Chan could hear him not be able to sleep at night, he wonders if it's because of him or Jisung. Neither option being a good one.

"We should go for a drink!" Felix says with his stupid smile, causing Chan to scoff as he returns to his task.

"It's been like, weeks!" Felix argues "and hey, it's great to pick up .... you know distractions"

Chan rolls his eyes "those never worked on me, what makes you think they will now?"

Felix sighs, his patience with his friend growing thin "because now you have been actually rejected!?" He asks in an overly nice tone.

"Fuck you too, Felix" Chan mutter "shouldn't you be at work!?" He asks "how do you still have a job!?"

Felix giggles "I have no idea," he stands up and smacks Chan's head.

Chan groans "oi !!!" He glares hard.

"Come on Chan! A few drinks, invite Minho even!"

Chan sighs, he walks over to his desk, sitting "alright, fine" he says "I doubt Minho will come though" his face looking sad as ever.

"I'm sure he will, you're still he's beloved hyung," Felix sighs "just maybe not how you want" he tries to joke.

Chan chuckles, right.


"Oppa...." Alex says softly as she walks closer to Minho, who sits at his desk correcting papers "I..." she sighs as Minho looks up at her.

Alex, Jack and Nam have all been feeling bad, watching as their lovely hyung have been distant.

"I'm sorry" Alex whispers "sorry for slipping up and putting you both in such a difficult position!!!" She sniffles "it was never our intention and to ruin-"

Minho shakes his head "Hey, it's okay, you ruined nothing" he smiles "Chan and I are grownups, we can deal with this" he pats the crying girls head.

Alex shakes her head "oppa, he loves you"

Minho takes a deep breath, he looks down "sometimes, love isn't destined to be'" he whispers.

Alex shakes her head even more "but Chan loves you so much, so much!!!"

"Alex, your oppa is a strong man, trust me, even if this love is big, he's bigger than it."

"Why can't you give it a try" Alex looks at Minho with big sad eyes "why not try to love him back? He's so awesome!" She pleads on Chan's behalf, knowing how bad her older friend is hurting.

She had seen him hurt the first time around, but it wasn't as bad because at least then Chan was just hurting for his one sided love.

Now he hurts for his rejected love.

"Because..." Minho exhales, he hurts too, wishes he could return the love.

But he can't.

Deep down, even if it's been a while since he cried, since he asked why, looked at the ring that is in his sock drawer, even if he has been more relieved, Minho can't deny that he's still thinking of Jisung.

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