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Minho cries, sitting on the table were his guest once sat, the food is left on the table untouched, waiters rushing to get out of there as fast as possible and the wine Chan brought for them left un opened.

His head spinning fast and it only grows as he watches Jisung and Hyunjin walk out of the bathroom.

The man stands up, his suit no longer looking fresh or dashing.

Hyunjin walks out, not wanting to make this bigger.

"Jisung...." Minho tries to beg, tries to reach out to the smaller boy but the other takes a step back.

Jisung sniffles "I'm so sorry, hyung" he tries to smile but fails as more tears fall from his hyung's face.

Minho tries to reach out again and again, it feels big, the distance between the two feels so much, yet it's only a few steps.

Minho cries like a little boy, his eyes are starting to burn and he hopes, begs to god that Jisung will take mercy and not end this.

But Jisung cries with him "I know this isn't the way, it was so fuked for me to do this, but, I know you deserve better, someone to hold your hand through it all and doesn't dive into the heart of the unknown," he cleans his tears "I really am sorry for this"

Minho feels his legs loose strength; he falls to his knees with each word Jisung speaks.

"Why did you agree to marry me?!" he asks as he sits on his knees and stares at the ground.

"I didn't want to! But you had bought the ring, called our family, friends!! How could I......." Jisung snaps he screams, his fist shakes and he wants to blame it all on Minho, even if that's not fair.

Minho can only keep crying.

" hyung.......you...you......you left me no choice, I felt trapped! That day I was meant to end it and instead you caged me into this!" Jisung sighs "you belong with someone who is at the same pace as you" he smiles at Minho "someone who loves you back"

Same pace? Was seven years not long enough? 

And Minho realizes how screwed he got, how fuked up his situation is. His cries subside but the tears keep their flow as his eyes are set on Jisung. Minho sees how cold those eyes are, how Jisung smiles sadly at him.

Minho whimpers "you love him" he repeats. Jisung looks down, shaking his head in shame.

"I'm sorry"

Minho watches as Jisung walks past him and to the door, on his way he takes off his ring, slowly, as he's about to step out he turns to his now ex and places the ring on the table, next to the wine bottle.

"Thank you for everything, Minho hyung, and" the words get caught up in his throat "I'm sorry I couldn't be brave enough"

And just like that, as if it was the easiest thing ever, Jisung walks out of Minho's life.

Leaving Minho to cry in agony, screaming for Jisung's name and crying on the cold ground.

Wishing, praying that his love would return to him, but the words repeating in his brain.

Like a chant, 'someone who loves you back'.

Minho wonders, when did Jisung stop loving him? Was it after their first year together? The first time that Minho had to cancel a date?



Minho stands up, his figure slumped over, turns and walks to the ring, he picks it up, and cries. Anger rising through his chest as he starts to push everything in sight, screaming over and over again, asking why!?

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