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It's like even the sky cries for Chan.

It rains enough to get you wet, but quite too hard that it hits loudly against the road. No, the rain is soft and it makes Minho even more gloomier.

His mother sits in the back, along with Chan's father.

Chan insists on driving himself to the airport, he smiles softly at his lover who keeps his eyes on him.

Minho already misses him.

But the scowl on his father's face tells him, it indeed is a way to try and break them up. Minho's father started a war and Min is ready for combat.

Ready to prove that he loves the man driving.

He was a shattered, broken mess before, he chose the wrong arms before, but not anymore.

And hell, even if everyone is right and this fucks them over, Minho will not be willing to move.

The love he feels is too strong and way too real. He won't look at the world like before.

Soon they reach the airport and help Chan take out his stuff.

Chan's mother smiles at him, she chuckles through the tears "My boy is all grown up" she tries to joke.

Chan laughs lightly "You've never cried for me leaving," he says.

The woman sighs "You've never left for so long"

Minho wants to scream. But he doesn't.

"Take care of yourself, yeah?"

Chan nods at his mother, he leans and gives her a tight hug. Then he looks at his stepfather, who sighs.

"I know this will be a challenge," he nods at them both "but if you both can get through this, you'll get through everything, no trust getting broken"

Chan nods, he thinks for a minute. Maybe, just maybe, this isn't some scheme to break them up.

Maybe this is to prove that their love is real. That Chan won't hurt Minho the way Jisung did.

"Take care"

Chan chuckles, that's the first time the man has shown a bit of care.

Then his eyes turn to the one person who matters most to him, the sight of his loved one crying hurts him like a thousand paper cuts.

"I also packed two candles," Minho says with a smile, his eyes full of tears "I hope they can last a while before I can ship you more" he sobs a bit.

Chan breaths out, he pulls the other into his arms "Thank you" he rubs his back and pulls away to hold his lover's face.

"I'm scared" Minho cries softly.

"Oh baby," Chan also lets out his tears "so am I, but we'll be fine, we'll be okay no matter what" he breaths out "You go and get the job of your dreams, go and be happy, I'll come back to catch up" he states with a teary smile.

Minho chuckles "Whenever you feel broken," he smiles "call me, and I'll try to fix you"

Chan chuckles back, he leans down and lays a soft kiss on the man's forehead, then lays his against it.

"I love you" Minho whispers.

"I love you too"

And with that, Chan kisses Minho on the lips, he does it tenderly. Pouring all his love and emotions, holding him by the neck as Minho kisses back.

They swallow each other's sobs, feeling their tears roll down their cheeks.

"Call me when you land" Minho whispers after they break apart.

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