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Minho turns on his last candle; he sits on the comfy bed that has been his for a while now. A small, sad, smile on his lips.

The memories of the last month's flash through his mind, chuckling at the big change it has made. From believing in a loveless relationship to not knowing how it was possible to fall so fast and so hard.


Chan won his heart over in such a short time, it's like he hoaxed the man, like he did some type of dark magic. Causing Minho to never want anything else's in the entire world.

Nothing else would do the trick, just Chan.

And yes, it still hurts, his scars are a bit swollen and from time to time they make it difficult for him to move forward.

But Chan is always there to help.






Minho groans with a big smile and buries his face to the pillow, the pillow that smells just like Chan. It's his heart going wild and his brain making flashes of a smiling Chan appear.

Making his heartbeat go faster and making Minho thinks he's about to die.

Die a happy man so, it's all good.

The man stays there smiling like a damn fool to the ceiling, waiting for the arrival of the one person that has kept him alive all this time.

He doesn't wait too long.

Soon the door is being opened and shut very quietly. The footsteps on the ground, the ones that Minho has memorized so well, make their way to the bedroom.

Chan smiles, he leans against the doorframe, eyes set on the boy who has his face pressed up against his pillow.

The room is lit only by the candles Minho has grown to love so much, Chan makes a mental note to buy more for when they.... leave.

The older tries to shake away the thoughts that rise to his mind, the fears and the ghosts they will have to face.

Some are Chans fears.

Some are Minho's ghosts.

Maybe once they set foot back into that big house of Minho, that's when the man will say goodbye to Chan, and their love story will be cut short.


Chan can break his own heart really.

Minho lifts his head, knowing Chan is already standing there but wondering why he hasn't said a word.

"Babe, come lay down a bit" Minho says, extending his hand to the man.

Chan smiles bigger, the word babe makes him forget. His feet quickly moving to the other and leaning down to place a soft kiss to the others lips.

Minho smiles, he takes Chans hand in his "What took you so long today?" He asks, pulling the other into the bed, getting comfortable on his chest.

Chan chuckles, he wraps his arm around Minho body and lets out a deep sigh "I have to leave the library in perfect state"

Minho blushes as Felix's words come to him. He inhales the sweet smell, addictive smell, of Chan. "Who'll take over?" He asks.

Chan hums "probably Jeongin," Minho looks up at Chan with his big puppy eyes "don't use those eyes" Chan says with a chuckle.

Minho smiles "they are the only ones I've got babe" he replies.

"Get new ones then!" Chan jokes.

Minho gasps "Buy them for me!" He argues and jokes back.

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