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For a while everything felt like a dream they would wake up from. Like then leaving wasn't actually happening and the packing was a mere nightmare.

Minho wondered if when they got back, he wouldn't be able to sleep next to Chan anymore. He had become so used to it, used to lying next to the warm body.

A grading papers next to him and then watching him sleep for a little while.

It made Min scared.

Chan wondered how bad things could've been the last six months. No one has heard from them, not even their parents.

The news had gotten around, papers, magazines and online people were talking about Minho and how he was almost left at the altar.

Chan took Minho out before they could reach him, but now, he's got to go back and place him in that same position.

It makes him scared and worried, makes him want to wait another six months before they go back.

But he can't. He promised Minho's father, his own mother.

So there they were, standing in front of the car. Bags already placed on the back, Chan closing their apartment as Tan and Jeongin stood next to the car.

Jeongin smiles "we'll keep it in good shape" he says, trying to lighten the mood.

Minho nods and tries to smile back "please," he chuckles "I left some unfinished candles, maybe burn them for me?"

Jeongin nods fast "of course" he promises.

Felix puts his arms around Jeongin's shoulders, trying to comfort his almost crying boyfriend.

Chan gives the keys to Felix as he sees the other man crying a bit already. He chuckles "the first time you kicked me out" he jokes to Jeongin.

Jeongin sighs and scoffs "the first time I thought you liked Felix!" He glares.

Minhos eyes go wide "wait, what?!?" He looks from Felix to Chan and to Jeongin.

Felix laughs lightly "he was a jealous reck..."

"You guys never did tell us how you got together!!" Chan says.

Jeongin shrugs "next time, it'll be a story for next time" he smiles with hope.

Minho smiles back, he nods "of course, take good care of the library" he says.

Jeongin nods and leans in, giving Minho a big hug and crying softly "take care of yourself hyung'" he whispers "remember, love is a long process but it's worth it with the right person, the person that.... fixed you" he hugs tighter.

Minho feels his own tears drop "thank you, for everything" they both cry softly.

Felix smiles at them and turns to Chan, he extends his arms, inviting his friend.

Chan laughs and hugs him, he also cries a bit. "I'll come back, if he ever decides it's not what he wanted, I'll come back sooner" he jokes.

It's a joke with a hint of fear and Felix knows this.

"Dumbass" Felix mutters "you'll come back to give us the wedding invitation" he says "come back for a small vacation, be back for my wedding too"

And Chan nods, he begs and prays to all the gods that Felix is right. That the next time he comes back, Minho will be there with him.

Because if not, then there is no use coming back.

Minho stares at the road, his head laying against the window as a smile plasters On his lip, Chans hand lays on his thigh.

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