Chapter 7

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Hey guys Violet here I just want to give a special thanks to my friend. aditi_arora21 for being supported to my story thanks girl enjoy the magical time. ⭐️

Cindy came back and we went to her room Shadow held my hand up the tall stairs. So I look and blushing I move closer and put my head on his shoulder. In Cindy room we saw her Mom dress all new and nice." Brittney said "Wow it's nice so beautiful isn't it Cindy." Cindy said "It's amazing thank you so much my little friends." Star whisper "Who is she talking too." I said "She's talking to the animal friends." Star said "Oh okay." I said "Cindy try it on." She said "Okay." So she tried it and went down for the Ball.

She said "Stepmother I am ready to go to the ball." Then her stepsisters rip her goon. Cinderella cried and ran to the garden crying on the bench. Jenny said "There there." I said*Mad* " Oh I hate those stepsisters so much." Shadow said "What are we going to do now." I said*Holding Shadow arm and hand* "I don't know now what to do I'm scared."

Then Shadow lift my chin and look in my eyes and said "Don't worry baby will find a way to fixes this just calm down ok." I said "Okay babe thank you but how are we going to fixed this. We all had no idea what to do so we all just sat there thinking. I rest my head on Shadow shoulder and close my eyes.

Hey guys QueenAdrianna here sorry this chapter is short hopefully the next is longer than this one but thanks for the support bye.👑

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