Chapter 13

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Hey guys hope your excited as I am because this chapter will be extra special today want to know why. Okay because last five months was Varian birthday March 24. And I wanted to surprise him So I  thought why don't I make this chapter to celebrate his birthday YAY!!!Would that be cool for a happy 15 year old birthday to my special loving guy and boyfriend. But I also want to appreciate all that he's done to make my work more thrilling so HAPPY BIRTHDAY VARIAN.🥳🎼🎁🎈🎉💕

Then Shadow saw the necklace before Shadow could teleport I said "Shadow wait I came to help be careful." Shadow said *Smiling* "I will". Shadow teleport on the statue and grab the necklace. Then Shadow almost lost his balance I cover my eyes Shadow teleported in front of me and removed my hands away from my eyes. Shadow said "Are you okay." I skate close to Shadow and hug him and smile Shadow said "Huh." And I said *Blushing and enjoying the hug* "I am now thanks to you." Shadow hug me back and smiled. He whispered in my ear "Let go in 3...2...1." Me and Shadow stop hugging Shadow look at my neck and said "May I." I blush and said *nodded* "Yes."

Shadow lift my hair and put the necklace around my neck. I look down at my necklace I look up and I was starting into his ruby red eyes and Shadow started into my golden yellow eyes. He put his hand on my cheek I look into his ruby red eyes I said "S-S-Shadow." Then he kiss me I was shock till I enjoyed it and close my eyes. Shadow said "Mhn ah." I said "Mhn huh." Soon I broke the kiss Shadow and I said *Pant* "That was amazing jinx double jinx triple jinx infinity jinx." We both laugh "Ah hah hah." I said *Holding his hand.* "Let's go back to the others." Shadow said "Oh as you wish and I think your special wish will come true very soon."

Shadow pick me up in bridal style and skated back to the other. Toffee said *Nervous* "Where are they, what's taking them so long, did Adrianna get hurt is she lost, did Shadow hurt her. He is so died when he get back." We arrived back to the others Shadow put me down and I fix my tiara and wipe the dust off my dress. Toffee said *Hugging Adri* "Sweetie are you okay." I said "I'm fine I was with Shadow." So also group 6 found nothing but Abby said "We found the prince." I said "Great let's go Cindy." So all of us walk to find the prince we walk I was standing next to Shadow suddenly I held his hand when we got to the prince we saw Cindy's stepsisters bowed to the prince. I whisper to Cindy "I'll make you have a grande entrance."

She said "Okay good idea the prince will surly dances with me." I look at Shadow and he look at me weird and said "What do you want baby." I said *Looking cute* "Shadow can I borrow the chaos emerald for a bit please." Shadow said "Sure." Giving me the emerald I went into my backpack and grab my violin I said *Singing to the birds* " La la la la." Four birds came and I said *Speaking to the birds* "Can you lift the curtains." They said "Sure thing." Shadow said "What the heck." I said "Oh I can speak different languages and speak to all different animals in the different worlds a dimensions." Shadow said "Okay be careful with the emerald.

I said "Don't worry I'll be careful with it." The birds are in place I told Cindy to get in place. I lift the emerald and said "Chaos control." The chaos emerald made the entrance sparkle then I started playing the violin I played an enchanted song I wrote. The prince saw Cindy and said "Who is that girl." The prince walk to Cindy and ask her to dance. So they dance I said "Okay if we're going to find out what happens next we all have to dance so Star dances with Tom, Marco with Kelly, Abby go dance with Jonah, Jackie and Janna, Cherry with My Dad, Sabrina dance with Brittney, Jenny dance alone and me with Shadow." "Okay" said everyone.

So we paired up with are partners and split up. Shadow grab my hand and pull me closer and we started dancing Toffee look at us and saw me happy. I said *Nervous* "Hey uh Shadow do you love me just because I'm rich." Shadow said "What no I'm not in it for the money I just love you you're more better than money." I said *Blush* "Shadow I love you just you." I kiss him Shadow was shock and closed his eyes. Then Shadow said "Let's go outside for a bit." I said *Blushing looking away* "Okay let's go." We skated outside Toffee said *Looking* "Where's Adrianna and Shadow."

Hey guys that's all for this part sorry I been busy I been at the dentist so it was hard but a great way to celebrate Varian five years birthday I kind of forgot but hope he doesn't know right hehe bye .
Varian house:
Varian: *Walk in to the dark room* Huh Violet where are you hello Dad, Ruddiger guys.
Me and Quririn: Happy birthday Varian.
Varian: What you guys no way.
Me: Happy 15th birthday Varian baby.
Varian: Vi this was all you thanks.
Me: Yeah Rapunzel and the others couldn't make it so it's just us for today.
Varian: Aw babe your the best you even got us an chocolate cake.
Me: Yeah but first open my present."
Varian: *Open it* Oh Vi where did you find this element crystal.
Me: I found it when I was hiking with Cassandra.
Varian: Aw babe I'm going to call it Violet after my girlfriend and lab partner.
Me:*Kiss his cheek* I love you Varian.
Varian:Love you too Violet.
Me and Varian: Bye everyone hehe.

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