chapter 2

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I said"No one." Then my phone rang Brittney said"Who is it." Everyone said"Yeah". Everyone watch me I look at my phone. I said*Nervous and screamed*"IT'S SHADOW." Marco said"Who's in the world is Shadow." I said"Marco, Shadow the Hedgehog is hero and is my boyfriend." Tom and Marco said* Screaming* "YOUR BOYFRIEND." The girls started to giggle and said"Awww you have a boyfriend." Kelly said"Read what it said Adri." I started to read it and it said.

~ " Hey Adrianna I wanted to ask you if maybe you and me want to go to the royal ball tonight. If I could bring the gang too. If you say "YES" then see you tonight. If you say "NO" then we can hangout tomorrow see ya.!"
Love your Boyfriend
~Shadow the hedgehog💖

Everyone said"Aww Shadow likes you. I said" Omg what do I say." Star said"Say yes." I said" Okay." So I texted Shadow back I waited for him to reply back once I saw the bubble with the three dot he wrote back saying "Great see you tonight." I said"Omg I'm going on a date with Shadow tonight." Cherry said"Maybe you should call Shadow." I said"What okay Cherry." I started to call Shadow I waited for a while then Shadow said"Hello this is the Coolest speaking." I said* Blushing and nervous*"Hey Shad how are you doing babe."

Shadow said* Noticed her voice*"Hey Adri what up Baby I'm doing good." I said"I'm excited about tonight." Shadow said"Yeah me too babe look I'm in the middle of fighting Sonic I'll see you later bye Baby." I said"Yeah bye babe kick Sonic for me." Shadow said"Sure thing baby bye Maria." I hanged up on Shadow and started crying. I said"Sniff Sniff." Kelly said"Are you ok Adri." I said* Crying* "Sniff no I don't know what to wear to and what if he changed his mind about going out, I made a big mistake saying yes I wish he never ask me out on a date."

Marco said"So Adri is the song for Shadow." I said"Yes maybe I think it's for someone else but I love Shadow a lot and I know Shadow loves me too." Cherry said"Aw maybe you can sing your song to Shadow you'll feel better and he will too." I said"Yeah maybe your right Cherry but what am I going to wear." Brittney said"Let's go shopping." The girls said"Yes let's go." I said"I hope Shadow loves me."

In Mobius: At Shadow's house
Shadow was walking back and forth think about what just happened he said"What if she changes her mind, I shouldn't have never ask her out I don't know what to wear." Eggman said"Why do you like her there are more girls here you could like." Amy and the other girls said"Because he only loves Adrianna okay." Sonic said"Don't worry Shadow will help you." Shadow said"Yeah okay what am I going to wear. Amy and Rouge said"Let's go shopping." Everyone said"Yeah." Everyone walk out of Shadow's house Shadow said*Waking out* " I hope Adri loves me.

End of chapter 2
Hi I hope you enjoyed this part I will try to update more soon I promise by for now. Oh I don't own all the characters except for one my OC bye for now Queen Adrianna out. 👑

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