Chapter 10

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Hey guys Varian here sorry Violet is stuck with writer block thinking about the next book. So I thought I fill in for her today please enjoy. Means a lot to Violet and her work bye.💖

They reached the castle. I said "Okay let's make Cindy with the prince and to find my necklace and fast before midnight." Everyone said "Yeah roger Adri." Then Tom said "Let's split up in group of 3 people good idea huh Adri better than Marco or Shadow could come up." Marco and Shadow look jealous. I said "Great idea and we can all wear communicators, so we can connect to each other so here are the groups #1 group me, Shadow and Kelly, group 2 is Star, Marco and Jackie, Number 3 is Sabrina, Brittney and Jonah, group 4 Jenny, Tom and Janna, group 5 Abby, Cherry and Toffee and group 6 is just Cindy." Everyone said "Yeah."

"But wait which direction do we take huh Adri smarter than Tom and Shadow" said Marco. I said "Nice job Marco and don't flirt with me." Shadow and Tom look jealous. I said "Group 1 take north, group 2 take west, group three will take the east, group 4 take south, group 5 take north west and north east and group 6 will take south west and south east." "Okay" said everyone.

Hey guys sorry this chapter was short but I work hard to make more effort to my work but I'm doing my best with what I got so thanks guys bye.💞
Me: But before I go one more thing to do Varian if you may.
Varian: Bye everyone hope you enjoy this part of the story Violet work really hard but sometimes she's busy.
Me: Thank you of making my work more serious Varian you know I take pride doing the stuff that I'm passionate about nice to have your loving support.
Varian: Well it's my job to support the work you provide for your fans and friends.
Me: Your the death of me.
Varian: I know.
Me: Seriously your going to kill me one day.
Varian: No I would because I love you to much.
Me: (Frown face) I love you too.

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