Chapter 1

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   One morning at school the 3 siblings were waiting in class for 3 letter and 10 others for my friends. The Teacher Miss Rosebelle said"Adrianna what are you excited for is it more important than the lesson." I said"No Miss Rosebelle I'm waiting for my parents to sent us invention to the ball our Mom hosting and I get to bring 10 friends." Everyone in my class said"Can we come with you."  

    I said"No it's for Marco, Star, Sabrina, Kelly, Tom, Brittney, Janna, Cherry, Jackie and Jenny, but all your parents got invention to the royal ball." Everyone said"Yeah"! Then the bell rang at lunch I was walking and saw Cherry waving to me. Janna said"Are you guys excited about the ball." Star said"Do you think your Dad will take us on another mission. "Maybe" said Marco. I said" Sure why not will see what happen. The bell rang again we want outside I got a text from my mom. Jackie said" Tell us what it says".

The text said:

Dear Adrianna~
I want to ask you if you want to sing in honor for the guest at the royal ball ok bye.
                           Love you Mom~.            

Sabrina said*Excited*" Adri say yes it's a big honor." I said"Sure". Tom said"What are you going to sing and please sing for us." I said"A love song, *Start singing* 🎼When I'm with you I feel love when I look into your eyes I feel safe with you, and I just want to say that I love you when my heart start beating really fast when I'm with you because I love you because I love you so so much with you.🎶

Everyone said" Yeah omg it's that the famous singer Adrianna Maria Eliza Butterfly lizard the hedgehog." Jenny said" We should run." They said" Yeah". We ran out of the cafeteria Marco said" Wow that was beautiful who the song for."

Hope you enjoy sorry that it's short I'll try to make the second chapter longer✋❤️

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