Chapter 8

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Hello again this chapter will be long so bear with me on this so get ready and enjoy there be a special someone at the end of this chapter when I finish bye.

Toffee said *Mad* "What did you do to my daughter and there zero signal in this story." Shadow said "I didn't do anything to her she's just scared that's why people have boyfriends or girlfriends to make teenagers feel better than with their parents let me help okay lizard breath." (This will end badly but keep reading to find out😉) Shadow covered his mouth Toffee said *Mad* "That's it I really hate you from the start and what did you call me and no one said that sons and daughter don't need boyfriends or girlfriends to fixes problems better than parents relationship fixes kids problems."

Shadow said *Put me down* "Really then let's have a fight then, but I wouldn't go easy on you and I went to a lot of fighting and heroes places even the military camp and the G.U.N and pass all the exams so hit me." Toffee said *Ready to fight* " With pleasure." Shadow and Toffee started fighting Shadow punch him. Then kept till then I had open my eyes and saw what's going on and said "What going on with Dad and Shadow." Abby said "Well when you close your eyes scared Shadow said to dad that teenager need boyfriend and girlfriend need them to make them better than parents and called dad a lizard breath." I said "What."

I try to stop them so I blast them but that didn't work I told them to stop then Toffee accidentally punch me. Toffee look at his hand and said "Adri I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." I start crying and said "Leave me alone dad why do you have to fight with everyone I know especially with Shadow I hate you always make me want to break up with Shadow." I push my dad and skate to Shadow and hug him to make me feel better. I said *Smile and cheer up* "Shadow I forgive you." Shadow said *Wipe my tears* "Oh Adri I love you, I can't wait for that kiss and your wish will soon come true and your cute."

I said "Oh Shadow I love you too your wish came true and your handsome." Toffee said "Adrianna come here now young lady." I said "No dad oh Dad look." I put my arm around Shadow. Toffee said "Look I'm sorry for fighting Shadow I want him to stay away from you and he's bad and evil he was made from your Grandfather professor Gerald Robotnik." I said "I don't care and who cares if he was made by grandpa. Toffee grab to the book one a diary of grandpa journal and two was the book mark PROJECT SHADOW. And Toffee said "Why did I find these in your room." I said "You were spying on me how could you."

I started crying and use my wand and summon my cloudy charm and flow away. Then Shadow skate to chase me and Toffee ran after me. Cloudy landed somewhere I said "Thanks Cloudy your the best." Cloudy said "No problem Adri oh let's have spider with a top hat to do tricks for us please." I said *Summon spider with my wand* "Spider with a top hat blast!!" Spider said "What tricks shall I do for you my princess, my highness and future Queen. I said "Do tricks for me." Spider said " As you wish your highness." So spider did fun tricks with bubbles. I said "Wow it's beautiful spider." "Yeah" said Cloudy. Then I hear someone and it was Shadow and he said "Adri baby where are you." I said *Crying* " Shadow over here." Shadow said *Wipe my tears* " It's okay I'm here I'll always here for you no matter what I can't die will live forever." I said "Shadow."

Then they kiss after Toffee lean against a wall and heard Shadow said "Hey Adri when you become Queen can I maybe be your King and husband if you are okay with it." I said *Touch his chest and his hand* " Yes you have my permission to be my king and my husband." Toffee said*Mad* "No no he will not be the king of my throne it's time to end this it is time to kill him Hahaha." Then me and Shadow skated back holding hands while looking at each other.

End of chapter 8
Hey hope you enjoy this chapter work real hard so thanks a lot to the people who love my work really means a lot.
Me: Varian will you say bye.
Varian: Bye everyone hope you have a nice day.
Me: Varian thanks for the nice goodbye is there something else you need to say.
Varian: Your welcome oh yes and a special thanks to aditi_arora21 for being supported to her friend thanks Aditi.
Me: Your the best Aditi bye.
Varian: bye.

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