Chapter 15

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Hey guys sorry I been busy fixing the page of the actually book got mixed up but I fix it and now it okay so please enjoy. Oh one more I added a little make out session so please just skip that scene and focus on the others scenes in this chapter but if you can handle the make out scene that enjoy bye.🤎

I skated to my friends." Abby said "What's wrong sis." I said *Still crying* "Shadow and I broke up." Everyone gasp, Tom and Marco said "Don't worry you'll find a better guy." I said *Crying* "Yeah Tom your Star boyfriend and Marco your Kelly boyfriend what's the point." Then I heard Shadow said "Adri." I said *Crying* "What do you want." Shadow said*Wipe her tears and put his hand on her cheek* "I just want to apologize I'm sorry can we get back together please I need you."

I said *Touch his cheek* "Shadow I forgive you and I need you too." We hugged and kiss. Then they all hear a "Ding dong." I look at the clock and saw it was almost midnight let's go Cindy." Cindy saw it was almost midnight. Cindy said "I have to go." She ran down the stairs and lost one glass slipper. We all hurry back to her house when everything retransformed back to normal. So we all went to sleep except for me and Shadow were having a make out session.

Make out scene
I said "Ah high S-Shadow wait stop." Shadow said "Don't worry I'll be gentle." Shadow kiss my neck and I said "Uh nigh nooo Shadow stop please ah." Shadow said "Your face it's turning red how about I bite you neck." I said *Blushing* "Noooo ah." Shadow said "Rrrh hehe." I said *Stopping Shadow* "Let's just go back to sleep." Shadow said "Ok." We went to sleep. Shadow said "I love you Adri." I said "I love you too Shads."

In the morning
I woke up I went to the village to get fabric, jewelry stuff, gardening seeds of flowers, fruits, veggies, baking books, cooking books and supplies when I go all my stuff for when I go back to Mewni. I saw person staring at a large flyer I said "What's going on here." A young lady said "Didn't you know the prince is looking for the girl he dance with." I said "Thank you." The lady said "Your welcome uhm Miss." I said "Adrianna Maria Eliza the Hedgehog Miss." "Lily Rose nice long name maybe we can hangout sometime" said Lily. "Sure here's my house address." "Here's mine" said Lily.  We both say bye and I skated away.

I skated in the backyard I yelled and said "HEY GUYS YOU CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPEN." Shadow said *Drinking coffee* "What baby." I said "So I was in the village getting supplies when I meet this nice girl named Lily Rose told me that the prince is looking for you Cindy it's amazing." Shadow stop drinking spit out his coffee and said "Pffff baby that's great." Shadow skate and hug me. Cindy said "Amazing I'll finally get my happy ending." Abby said "Hey sis who told you the prince is coming." I said "A 17 year old girl name Lily Rose we became new best friends now I'm hungry Shadow can you help me." Shadow said *Blush and rub his head* "Ok I love to help."

Shadow grab and pick me up and skated to our tent. Shadow put me down and said "What would you like to eat my love." I said "Can I have some pancake with bacon and coffee my lover." Shadow put his head against mine and said "Sure thing my love." Shadow started cooking. I said "That smells delicious Babe." Shadow said "Your welcome Baby." Shadow finish making me breakfast Shadow gave me my plate. Shadow said "Bon appetite." I said "Thank you Shads." Shadow said "Your welcome Adri." After I finish eating I said "That was delicious." Me and Shadow kiss after I said "Uhm Shadow when we're older like adults do you want a child." Shadow said "Uh well yes I want to have a child's with you maybe like 12 baby hedgehog."

I said "12 Baby that would be amazing well we really should go wait for the prince to come." "Oh" said Shadow. So we skate outside I sat on a bench feeding baby ducks. I sing to call animals and sing to them too.

End of chapter 15
Well that was a great chapter. But this story really has been a great thing. So thanks plus my first doing a make out session so bye.🤎

Varian: Yes Vi what wrong?
Me: Varian did you steal my phone.
Varian: No I did.
Me: Then who did because I'm the only one who owns a phone?
Varian: Well it wasn't me Babe.
Me: Really and how do I know it's not you.
Varian: Because I have been with my Dad all day.
Me:So who did?
Varian: I think I know who steals things.
Me: Who?
Varian: Ruddiger did you steal Violet phone.
Ruddiger:*Holding the phone in his paws.*
Me:*Took it back* Give me that.
Varian:Okay bye.
Me: Bye everyone.

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