Chapter 11

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Hi everyone sorry that took long I was stuck in writers block ugh that really sucks but I'm back. So it was nice of Varian to help so please enjoy this chapter.💝♥️

So they all split up with my group Shadow said *Cross his arm being serious* "Hey baby why did you pick me on your group." I said *Leaning next to Shadow* "Because I love you babe." Shadow said "Ok." I said*Nervous* "Hey Shadow what if you move and live here in Mewni instead of Mobius." Then Shadow *Sigh* "No I can't Mobius is my home I love it there why don't you come live in Mobius with me." I said *Started to cry* "I can't M-Mewni is m-my home and I'm g-going t-to be Queen, and you love Mobius more than me why don't you die there plus I'm force to be marry to a prince. I cover my mouth. Shadow said *Glowing red* "WHAT YOUR GETTING MARRY I WILL KILL HIM." I said "I'm sorry I'll talk to my mom." Then Kelly said Aw guys there's nothing here dead end." I said "Ok let's go back and tell the others.

With the second group with Star. Star said "Marco talk to Jackie." Marco said "Are you sure." "Yes" said Star. Marco walk and talk to Jackie. Jackie said "Hey Marco." Marco said "Hey Jackie so would you go out with me tomorrow." Jackie said "Sure." Star said "Guys looks like a dead end let's go back." With Sabrina group. Sabrina said "Hey Jonah I have two questions do you and Abby like Shadow and do you like him dating Adri." Jonah said "Yeah me and Abby like Shadow he's so cool Adri told me he has a motorcycle and I like him dating Adri." Brittney said "Guys I see Adri necklace it's on the statue." Sabrina said "Cool Brittney but how do we get it down. Jonah said "Let's go tell Adri we found it." "Let's go back" said Brittney. With Janna group Jenny said "Hey Tom why are you and Marco falling in love with Adri I mean she has a boyfriend or are, you and Marco jealous of Shadow."

Tom said "I'm not jealous of Shadow I just feel weird when he's around Adri I fear he's hiding something from us that's all." Tom walk away to Janna. She said "Hey Tom are you a Demon." Tom said "Yeah it's pretty cool so you like witchcraft or something." "Yeah it's fun" said Janna. Jenny said "Well we have a dead end let's go back. They walk back North west with Abby group Cherry said "Uhm Toffee why don't you want Shadow to be near Adri he seems nice to us." Toffee said "I don't know I thing he's hiding something for us." North east Abby said "Daddy I see the Prince." Toffee said "Great job Abby let's go back and tell the others and punch Shadow in the shoulder." Finally Cindy who came back from South West and went South East Cinderella said "I hope the others had better luck than I had."

She walk and hide because she saw her Stepmother. And said "Oh no hope she didn't see me I better get back to the others." So all the groups walk back at the spot me too then Toffee saw me walking all the way back with Shadow holding his hand. Toffee walk up and punch Shadow on the shoulder Shadow said "OW WHAT THE HELL TOFFEE WHY DID YOU DO THAT." Mad and glowing red ready to chaos blast. I skated up to Shadow and said *Calming him down* "It's ok Shadow I'm here I'm always here for you never forget that." Shadow calm down and stop glowing red and said "Thank you Baby."

End of chapter eleven
Hey hope you enjoy this sorry I haven't been posting lately very busy so thanks bye.💕
Varian: Hello guys thanks for understanding Violet situation she's been really busy today so she got writing issues.
Me: Hey that's really nice babe.
Varian: What you have been quite distracted lately with stuff.
Me:Oh said the one who's been missing are plans work on your experiment than that's being distracted.
Varian: If you must know I'm an alchemist my work is important.
Me: Yes you my be an alchemist and your adorable as hell but if you call doing Alchemy better than spending time with me than your just god damn cute and amazing and I love you.
Varian: Love you to Vi.
Me: Okay let's say bye.
Varian: Okay.
Me and Varian: Bye guys.

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