Chapter 16

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Hey guys I been busy with the next book but excited to finish this story hope you love this chapter because it has baby ducks yes that right baby ducks so adorable right so enjoy🤍.

The littlest baby's ducks said "Quack quack we want bread." I said "Aw here you go Sophia, Sofia and Sophie Grace." They are my baby ducks on Mewni. "Thanks" said my ducks. Then I heard someone said "Hey Adri where are you." I notice that dark and loving voice it was Shadow I said "Over here Shadster." Shadow said "There you are why are you doing here." I said "I'm feeding baby ducks that are mine and Cindy Shadow meet my baby ducks Sophia, Sofia and Sophie Grace. He said "There cute Adri." They said "Quack quack." "Uhm what are they saying" said Shadow. I said "Uhm ow oh they said they like you." "Oh they do well I like you" said Shadow.

We kiss one of Cindy's duck splash Shadow I said *Laughing* "Haha ha I'm sorry here take my towel bad Quackers duck." I was not happy Shadow glowing mad to chaos blast again I pat his back to calm him down I slap Shadow." Shadow said "I'm sorry." "It's okay" said I. Shadow said *In a bad mood* "No it's not okay nothing is just I feel like your dad hates me he thinks I'm not good enough for you." I said *Toughing Shadow hand* "Shadow you are good enough for me and plus my dad hates you a little but my mom like you don't forget that." "Thanks Adri I love you " said Shadow. I said "Your welcome." I hug Shadow I said *Nervous* "Hey Shadow do you like to fuse into Shadanna." Shadow said*Sigh* "I mean yeah i like to fuse with you and turn into her she's amazing." "Yeah me too" said I.

Shadow look away I said *Nervous and bit my bottom lip* "Hey Shadow wanna feed the baby ducks it always makes me feel better." I gave Shadow the bag Shadow said *Feeding the ducks* "Thanks and your right I do feel better and you want to hear something funny." I said "I'm always right and tell me." Shadow said "One time me and the gang went to the park Sliver was feeding the ducks then the duck got mad and started chasing." I said *Laughing* "Hahaha really." "Really" said Shadow. Then I saw Quackers Cindy ducks being mean to Sofia, Sophie Grace and Sophia my baby ducks wear hat with the colour pink, purple and red. (I made the ducks wear tiny hats to make them cuter.)

And I said *Picking up my ducks* "Don't worry sweetie mom here." They said "Quack Quack." They really said "Thank you Mommy and Daddy." Shadow said "What did they say now." I said "They called you Daddy." "What why did they say that" said Shadow. I said "Maybe they thing that your their daddy right girls." "Quack quack" said baby ducks. Then I grab the present for shadow I place it on the bench and slide it to Shadow. Shadow notice and saw the present. And he started to open the present and saw a jacket that said "I'm the Coolest and also there was a gun. Shadow got a new gun and jacket. Shadow slide next to me and he hug me and said "Thank you Baby."

Shadow smiled and I said *Hugging him back* "Your welcome Babe." Then I heard my brother Jonah. He ran up to me, I said "Jonah what wrong." Jonah said *Tired out* "Pant pant the Prince is here." "WHAT!! we have to tell Cindy" said I. Shadow said "Let's go." Shadow pick up me and Jonah and skated back to the others. We arrived back with the others I saw everyone worry I said "What's wrong over here guys." Star said "Cindy's stepmother locked Cindy in her room." I said "Oh no." I think for a moment. I said "I got an idea the mice can get the key from the stepmother." "Great idea" said Abby. Shadow said "But how are we going to tell them to get the key."

I pick up the 2 mice and said "Okay listen go get the key from the stepmother." In the house the stepsisters tried on the slipper but it didn't fix. The butler said "Is there more girls in this house." "No" said the stepmother." The mouse open the door and Cindy ran down and said "Wait." We watch Cindy but the stepmother broke the slipper. "Oh no" said the butler. I said "Wait Cindy has the other one." Cindy sat down and it fix. We went to Cindy wedding then we said "Goodbye." I said "We hope will come back soon." Cindy said "Come visit anytime ok and Adri." I said "Yeah." She said "I hope you and Shadow have a happy ending too." I said "Thanks." Holding Shadow hand. Then we faded away we were back into the basement. "That was amazing" said Shadow. I said "That was."

Well that story ends with a pre happy ending last chapter will be the real happy ending so stick around for the finally chapter of this book. But don't worry I'm making book three real soon bye.🤍

Me: So Varian how do you think for the end of this book.
Varian: A bit sad but at least the ending will have a nice song.
Me: Yes I did wrote the song myself. Plus doing one myself is better then copying someone song.
Varian: Okay I agree with that your right Vi.
Me: Now let's go celebrate for finishing this chapter.
Varian: Cake on me.
Me: It better be because if I have to pay again your not getting kisses.
Varian: I will this time and please not my sweet kisses.
Me:hehe I love you.
Varian: I love you too.
Me: Bye everyone.
Varian: A goodbye from me and Violet.

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