Chapter 17

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Hey guys this is the last Chapter of this book. Hope this chapter is good than the last also want to give a special helpful shout out to my friend who help and loved my stories as much as I do so give it up to my friend Aditi also know as aditiarora_ could have done this without her thanks Aditi . Please check out her stories there amazing. Bye for now enjoy.🖤

We went upstairs my Mom said "Adri it's time for you to sing." I said "Okay." My mom said "Attention I have a special song from our future Queen Adrianna." So everyone clap I grab the microphone and said "Thank you everyone for coming I like to dedicated this song to a very special person this song is for a hero of Mobius Shadow the hedgehog, Shadow this is for you. Sliver said *nudge his elbow to Shadow arm* " Dude she wrote a song for you." I started singing "When I'm with you I feel love when I look in your eyes I'll feel safe with you and I just want to say I love you. When my heart starts to beat . When I'm with you because I love you oh your the best thing in my life I want to say thank you when I hold your hand oh baby, I love you every day when you call me I'm happy to hear you're voice it's like music to my ears oh baby I love you so much with all my heart oh you make me feel special your so nice and sweet too oh baby I love you with all my hearrrtt yeah.

I stop singing everyone clap I smile and I saw my mom cry with joy, my friends cheered and I saw Shadow wink at me I wink back I bow. And I was about to walk off but I forgot I grab the microphone again and said "Oh I forgot I have an big announcement Shadow can you come up on the stage please." Shadow came up on stage and held my hand "What is the announcement your highness" said a guest. I said " The announcement is I found our new king may I present my future husband Shadow the Hedgehog." Everyone clap me and Shadow bowed and walk of the stage my friends said " That was awesome Adri your the best singer ever." I said *Shy* "Aw thanks guys your the best it go to see friends on Mewni and also from Mobius what wouldn't I do without you guys." We all went somewhere to talk.

We all enjoy the party Dad was talking to mom, Sabrina was talking with Amy, Blaze and Cream, Brittney talk with Rouge, Wave, Omega. Cherry was talking to Tails and the Chaotix, Abby talk to Marine, Storm, Big and Team hooligan. Jonah talk to Jet and Eggman. Tom and Marco talk to Knuckles and Sliver and Kelly and Star talk to Sonic. We all have fun together my friends enjoy learn from Shadow friends and his friends we're learning from my friends.

Meanwhile outside
I pull out my phone and add Lily Rose to my contacts then I call her but she was busy I enjoy looking at the stars they were beautiful. Then Shadow walk outside wearing the jacket I made for him. I said "It's was the best night ever." Shadow said "Yeah it was hey Adri can I join you on your next mission." "Sure." said I then Rouge said "Guys it mission time." We got up I change into my uniform I skate to Shadow motorcycle and we went to the mission. Me and Shadow kiss before we leave the castle. It was amazing we punch so many robots we had fun and the mission was over. And they all lived happily ever after.

The End
Oh so they thought

Me: Well that was a great happy ending for everyone.
Varian: But Violet are you forgetting something.
Me: Oh what Varian.
Varian: The stepsisters.
Me: Oh yes as for Cindy stepsisters their mom made them clean the house for now on.
Varian: Wow can't wait to see what you come up with in book three.
Me: Hold your horses Vari there plenty of time.
Varian: Okay want some milkshakes.
Me: Yes bye everyone.
Varian: Bye guys.

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