The one that I like

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Wow, it's been a while!

Enjoy this as I enjoy writing for you, I missed this book a lot and after listening to that song until I get obsessed with another one I made this cute os!

So please vote and comment what do you think about it!


"Are you gonna eat that?" Asked a girl, trying to get the attention of her Russian friend who was too lost looking at her platonic love.

"Katya can't hear you, she's too lost in Trixieland, and I don't think we'll get her back for a long time."

"Well, you can't blame her. Trixie has changed a lot since her trip to Italy, and now she's no longer the ugly sister she used to be. I guess Pearl will have to be careful if she wants to keep on having the title of the most beautiful," Adore explained as she stole a couple of french fries from her friend's plate, "I wouldn't object if she tried to kiss me."

Katya gave her a murderous look at what Adore only raised her hands in defense.

"Don't look at me like that, that you don't have enough guts to talk to her is not my problem,"

The poor Russian sighed tired, wishing that was a lie, but it was more than obvious that her friend was only telling the truth.

Katya was madly in love with Trixie even before her trip to Italy and her glow up, even before that she seemed to her like the most beautiful girl in the whole place. Before she started wearing makeup and short skirts at school and was forced to have braces and glasses, there was no other girl for Katya who could compare Trixie to her beauty.

Although at first, everyone seemed to ignore her to give all the attention to her older sister, now everyone was flattering her and trying to get under her pants. That put Katya in a bad mood because she thought everyone was a bunch of hypocrites. They just wanted to speak to her only because of her physique, and not because of how great and intelligent she was; because for the blue-eyed Trixie was more than just a pretty face.

The only problem was that she didn't know how to approach her.

Every time she became jealous because someone would talk to her, she remembered how stupid she had been for not trying to conquer her for a long time before. Now Trixie had so many people around her that she wasn't looking for a way to gain her attention. She wanted to stand out, to show her that she wasn't like the other idiots who were chasing her.

But she didn't know how.

And this summer she was willing to change that.

Every year a summer camp was open exclusively for girls. Of all types and ages, that didn't matter when everyone was willing to go just to get rid of a little of the noisy boys of their city and that year, in particular, Trixie was old enough to be a counselor and, of course, she was assigned to a cabin full of little girls and not with teenagers similar to her age. Even so, Katya was enjoying watching her proudly wear her yellow T-shirt with the word "counselor" and the name of the camp, all accompanied by a princess tiara that seemed to be made by the girls in her care.

Katya had everything planned: she would wait for her to go for a walk like every morning and then go into the cafeteria to get more water. That's where they would "accidentally" meet and...

"Hello! Um, you girls are from my school, isn't it?"

The poor girl's blue eyes opened comically to see that she was in the presence of the love of her life.

And the thing only got worse when all her friends looked at her knowingly for her to respond.

"Yeah, we are one year younger," Adore answered when she saw that her friend had been paralyzed and could not answer.

One shots.- TrixyaWhere stories live. Discover now